Dollars and Dentists: Inside America’s Dental Care Crisis

Frontline’s Miles O’Brien joined forces with The Center for Public Integrity to produce this hard-hitting report that aired on PBS last night, investigating the shocking consequences of America’s broken dental care system.

One-third of Americans cannot afford basic dental care anymore. One-third! I found myself feeling something close to vertigo as I watched this. The tape recording of the dentists meeting in Alabama at about 27 minutes in, is chilling. Actual dental professionals meeting like mafioso trying to prevent affordable care for the most vulnerable people in our society! So cynical, it’s breathtaking.

On the eve of the country’s uninsured residents likely to be told to fuck off and die by a conservative Supreme Court decision that will be announced tomorrow, this report is all the more vital. By focusing in specifically on the dentistry crisis in America, O’Brien and crew elegantly sidestep the confines of the political debate on lack of access to affordable medical care in this country, here highlighting the human toll from the accident of being born in the richest country the world has ever known.

Nothing short of tragic.

Posted by Richard Metzger
08:22 pm