The Shirley Temple of Doom
05:41 pm

With thanks to Twisted Vintage!

Update: Apparently there’s another Shirley Temple of Doom causing damage on the Internets:  

Thanks, Scott Beadle!


Posted by Tara McGinley
05:41 pm
‘The Andy Warhol Monument’ unveiled
05:04 pm

Yesterday a new 10-foot-tall statue of Andy Warhol was unveiled by artist Rob Pruitt outside of the one-time (70s/early 80s) Union Square location of Warhol’s “Factory” studio. Jerry Saltz writes on New York’s blog:

After pulling the sheet from the monument, Pruitt told me, “I think of it as another kind of Statue of Liberty.” Overhearing this, the former Interview editor and wordsmith extraordinaire Glenn O’Brien mused that the statue’s inscription could read “Give us your rich, your glamorous, your drag queens, and drug addicts.”

The statue, commissioned by the Public Art Fund, is near others of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Gandha, isn’t supposed to be permanent (it’s just there until October) but for fuck’s sake it should be... “The Andy Warhol Monument” stands, for now, on the corner of Broadway and 17th Street.

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:04 pm
What happens when you take 30 hits of acid?
04:42 pm


This poor guy recounts the time he accidentally took 30 hits of liquid LSD with an eyedropper. It actually doesn’t sound as awful as I thought it would. (NSFW due to multiple F-bombs)  

(via BuzzFeed)

Posted by Tara McGinley
04:42 pm
Grindhouse classic: The Wizard of Gore
04:22 pm


“Yes! I am Montag. Master of illusion. Defier of the laws of reason. What is real? Are you certain you know what reality is? How do you know, that at this second, you aren’t sleeping in your bed, dreaming that you’re in this theater?”

In Herschell Gordon Lewis’s bloody 1970 schlock-fest, The Wizard of Gore, a TV talkshow host and her newspaper sports-writer boyfriend investigate a “master illusionist” who seemingly kills off female volunteers from the audience of his shady, underground Grand Guignol with horrific dismemberment, and yet, take a bow, they actually weren’t killed. Well, not yet at least. That happens later. Or does it?

The Wizard of Gore, with its reverse Cartesian logic (“I think therefore I’m… not sure I’m dead... yet”), prodigious flesh and blood quotient and the surreal speeches of deadly magician Montag, occupies a space shared only by the Coffin Joe films and Bloodsucking Freaks, one of the most infamous, morally depraved and misogynistic grindhouse flicks of all time (Bloodsucking Freaks is actually based on The Wizard of Gore). The demented funhouse mirror reasoning that permeates the film is quite effective and adds a philosophical underpinning to the proceedings that take it to a higher intellectual level (I’m not kidding!) and making it unique amongst gorehound classics.

What was once only able to be viewed in a urine and vomit-stained Times Square flea-pit or in low rent drive-in movie theaters down south can now be viewed, in its entirety, on YouTube… You used to have to work to see this stuff!

Posted by Richard Metzger
04:22 pm
Kitler: Cats that look like Hitler
04:02 pm

If you liked the house that looked like Hitler, then you might appreciate these snaps of cats that look like Der Fürrer, taken from the website Cats That Look Like Hitler (yes, there’s a site for this kind of thing…). It’s managed by Paul Neve, who explains, on the FAQs page, why Kitlers:

Most cats possess that typically feline facial expression that implies a secret longing for world domination. All cats want to rule the world, that’s part of the nature of the species, but to be a genuine Kitler there has to be some other similarity when compared to that ever popular German/Austrian dictator. We’re looking for that toothbrush ‘tache, that most unfashionable of facial adornments. Or the flock-of-seagulls hairdo. Perhaps an evil glint in its eye, or maybe a Kitler will be Sieg Miaowing their paw all the way to their dinner plate. Of course, the best Kitlers will have all of the above.

A website about cats that look like Hitler. Are you mental or what?
Yes. Next question.

Alright, let me rephrase that last question. WHY a website about cats that look like Hitler? Where did the idea come from?
Originally, a Dutchman called Koos Plegt stumbled on the very first Kitler in his hometown of Zwolle in Holland. Once he’d picked himself off of the floor from laughing, he set up a quick blogsite with other examples of the Kitlerian species to entertain his mates. I (Paul Neve) saw that blogsite and once I’d picked myself up from the floor laughing, spoke to Koos about collaborating on a proper website devoted to that laudable example of feline prowess, the Kitler. The result is the you all now know and love. Or hate. Koos has unfortunately disappeared into a subspace vortex or something (or certainly he’s ignoring all contact) so it’s just me all on my lonesome now.

Aren’t you glorifying Hitler?
Let’s get this straight. Hitler was an arsehole. Hitler was a disgusting, pus-ridden lump of excrement from the devil’s own anus. Before we go any further, let’s just reiterate that. As such, I think it’s entirely appropriate to reduce him to an object of ridicule by comparing his physical appearance and styling to a bunch of fluffy, cute moggies.

More Kitlers can be found here.
More pix of Mein Kats after the jump…
Previously on DM

The house that looks like Hitler…apparently


Posted by Paul Gallagher
04:02 pm
Top Fox exec admits to lying on-air about Obama being a ‘socialist’
01:00 pm

Fox News Washington managing editor Bill Sammon was caught bragging on tape during a conservative cruise ship retreat that he flat-out lied when he speculated on-air “about whether Barack Obama really advocated socialism.” Sammon goes on to add that this allegation he personally—and *ahem* privately—found “rather far-fetched.” He calls it “mischievious” but wouldn’t an honest person call it what it is: LYING? He’s the VP of the top TV news outlet in America and he publicly admits to lying on-camera??? Where the fuck is James O’Keefe?

The funny sad thing is, I’m one of those people who desperately wanted Obama to be a socialist! Talk about your delusional and dashed hopes… Anyone who says Obama is a socialist, is either an idiot or like Bill Sammon, a lying liar. (And dig the subtext: Sammon is basically saying “Hey, I’m not dumb enough to actually believe the shit I say on TV”! Hilarious).

If an NPR executive or a CNN VP said something like this against a conservative politician, or even made a generic comment disparaging the right, they’d be forced out of their job within a matter of days. Sammon—AN ADMITTED LIAR, WHO LIED ON FOX NEWS, WHERE HE IS EMPLOYED—should be repudiated and fired by Fox immediately. There is no nuance to what he said. He admitted to lying. That is what he did. The man has no credibility professionally—as an admitted liar, as a supposed newsman—moving forward.

You can help put some heat on Sammon and Fox News by sharing this video on FB and Twitter.

PS: It’s amusing to read some of the comments about this video on YouTube and elsewhere. One teabagger wrote “You Media Matters-types should all be in jail!” What does someone think they mean when they make a statement like that in this kind of context, you know? Exposing liars is a bad thing, I guess, when someone happens to agree with the lies?

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:00 pm
Portrait of Serge Gainsbourg made from 20,000 cigarette butts
12:27 pm

Apparently it took Swiss artist Jinks Kunst over three years to collect exactly 20,394 cigarette butts for his Serge Gainsbourg portrait. I betcha I could collect that amount in one week on the streets of Los Angeles.  

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
Jane Birkin in a Woolite commercial directed by Serge Gainsbourg
‘Melody’ a film starring Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin
Serge Gainsbourg sings in 1968 French gangster film ‘Le Pacha’
Eric Elmosnino as Serge Gainsbourg in ‘Gainsbourg’
Gainsbourg goes Moooog
Animation: Five Years of Graffiti Outside Serge Gainsbourg’s Home

(via Neatorama)

Posted by Tara McGinley
12:27 pm
GOP Rep. can’t live on $174k in the ‘real world’
12:01 pm

Republican Representative Sean Duffy (WI) who some of you may recall as the conservative guy on MTV’s The Real World Boston, has a difficult time justifying his $174,000 salary to a constituent who makes quite a bit less…

I think it’s a bad time, generally speaking, to be a Republican from Wisconsin. Endangered species, aren’t they?

Posted by Richard Metzger
12:01 pm
Three Big Pigs: Events in the Middle East as told with Angry Birds
02:22 am

If Angry Birds had a news channel, would it be something like this? Egor Zhgun‘s clever animation explains current and recent events in the Middle East by mashing Walt Disney’s The Three Little Pigs with those pesky Angry Tweets.


Posted by Paul Gallagher
02:22 am
I wanna be a cowboy
10:10 pm

Fancy footwear, indeed.

(via Picture This)

Posted by Tara McGinley
10:10 pm
Brother Theodore rants for ‘Mad Doctor of Blood Island’
09:43 pm

Dangerous Minds pal Jesse Merlin (currently appearing in Stuart Gordon’s hit musical adaptation of Re-Animator at the Steve Allen Theater in Hollywood) sent me this wonderfully weird film trailer for Mad Doctor of Blood Island, a cheesy, low budget—and incredibly bloody—Filipino horror movie from the 1960s. What makes this particular trailer of interest is the hilariously over-the-top voice-over courtesy of my late friend, Theodore Gottlieb, better known as philosopher, metaphysician and podiatrist, Brother Theodore.

“A barbaric experience in the most grotesque sense!”

I’m 100% certain that Theodore wrote the copy for this, too.

Watch the entire movie—if you dare!—on YouTube.

Below, Brother Theodore on my Disinformation TV series in 2001:

Previously on Dangerous Minds: Brother Theodore on David Letterman

Posted by Richard Metzger
09:43 pm
Jeff Pollack: ‘Ten Bands Shaping The Post-Nirvana Era’
07:59 pm


This is incredible. Here’s an example:

Linkin Park: The successful marriage of rock and hip-hop came together dramatically in their debut album Hybrid Theory. Linkin Park has attracted a huge fan base worldwide not only by consistently delivering compelling songs but by musically adventuresome collaborations with Jay Z. The band is exciting live and continues to evolve their sound, allowing them to succeed where many of their rap-rock contemporaries have failed.

Pearl Jam: As a contemporary of Nirvana in the early days of the Seattle grunge scene, the band grew in the 90’s into one of the consistently top bands around the globe. Known from the beginning as a great live band, they have grown a passionate fan base by adhering to their own rules…unapologetic, touring the way they want, putting out albums without concerning themselves if they had a hit track for radio play. A real original.

Dave Matthews Band: This Virginia based band made it the hard way…endlessly playing all over the country to emerge as one of America’s top live bands. Their lengthy shows and amazing musicianship continue the legacy of the Grateful Dead, with the Dave Matthews Band inheriting the mantle of the best jam band around. Like the Dead, the band is more of a live experience, not needing hit songs (though they’ve have a few of those as well) to play stadiums. They rock!

Other bands on the list include Coldplay, Death Cab For Cutie, and (yes) Green Day. There are two main aspects of this article that beggar belief. One, that the author thinks that these are the most important and influential bands of the current era (the CURRENT era I must stress—check the present tense of the verb “to shape” in the title). You surely don’t need me to explain how wrong this is. The second most unbelievable aspect of this is that this guy is getting paid money to write about music. Actually, seeing as it was first published on Huffington Post, maybe he’s not. So who is this Jeff Pollack guy? Whoever he is, he’s a comedy genius!

Read the whole article—you know you want to.

Thanks again to Collapse Board for pointing me in this direction.

Posted by Niall O'Conghaile
07:59 pm
‘Doctor Who’ series 6 full-length trailer released
07:33 pm

It looks like Rory Williams is going to be camping out in the Tardis for the long haul. Too bad.

(via EPICponyz)

Posted by Tara McGinley
07:33 pm
Listen to Kraftwerk LIVE at the Tribal Gathering Festival, 1997
06:26 pm

1. [00:00 05:56] “Numbers”
2. [05:56 03:39] “Computer World”
3. [09:35 07:53] “Radio Activity”
4. [17:28 09:41] “Trans-Europe Express”
5. [27:09 11:21] “Pocket Calculator”
6. [38:30 05:30] “The Robots”
7. [43:00 04:32] “The Robots II”


(via KFMW)

Posted by Tara McGinley
06:26 pm
Thank God for Satan: Surge in Devil-worship creates demand for Exorcists
06:23 pm

Thank God for Satan, as more than 60 Catholic clergy (66 perhaps?) gather in Rome for a 6-day (another 6!) conference on “Exorcism”, this week, at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University, Rome. The event will examine how the web has made it easier than before to access information on Devil-worship and the occult, reports the Daily Telegraph:

“The internet makes it much easier than in the past to find information about Satanism,” said Carlo Climati, a member of the university who specialises in the dangers posed to young people by Satanism.

“In just a few minutes you can contact Satanist groups and research occultism. The conference is not about how to become an exorcist. It’s to share information about exorcism, Satanism and sects. It’s to give help to families and priests. There is a particular risk for young people who are in difficulties or who are emotionally fragile,” said Mr Climati.

Organizers of the event say the rise of Satanism has been dangerously underestimated in recent years.

“There’s been a revival,” said Gabriele Nanni, a former exorcist and another speaker at the course.

Over the course of 6-days, the exorcists will scrutinise the phenomenon of Satanism with “seriousness and scientific rigour”, avoiding a “superficial or sensational approach.”

In theory, any priest can perform an exorcism – a rite involving prayers to drive the Devil out of the person said to be possessed.

But Vatican officials said three years ago that parish priests should call in professional exorcists if they suspect one of their parishioners needs purging of evil. An exorcist should be called when “the moral certainty has been reached that the person is possessed”, said Father Nanni, a member of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints. That could be indicated by radical and disturbing changes in the person’s behaviour and voice, or an ability to garble in foreign languages or nonsensical gibberish.

While the number of genuine cases of possession by the Devil remained relatively small, “we must be on guard because occult and Satanist practices are spreading a great deal, in part with the help of the internet and new technologies that make it easier to access these rituals,” he said.

The Vatican’s chief exorcist claimed last year that the Devil lurked in the Vatican, the very heart of the Catholic Church.

Father Gabriele Amorth said people who are possessed by Satan vomit shards of glass and pieces of iron, scream, dribble and slobber, utter blasphemies and have to be physically restrained.

He claimed that the sex abuse scandals which have engulfed the Church in the US, Ireland, Germany and other countries, were proof that the anti-Christ was waging a war against the Holy See. He said Pope Benedict XVI believed “wholeheartedly” in the practice of exorcism.

The church’s International Association of Exorcists was set up in 1993, and meet in secret every 2 years, with the aim “of increasing the number of official exorcists worldwide.”

Since 2005, Catholic priests can sign up to learn how to cast away evil spirits from the possessed at the Vatican-backed college, the Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum in Rome.

It runs a two-month course to teach the “spiritual, liturgical and pastoral work involved in being an exorcist.”

According to Father Giulio Savoldi, Milan’s official exorcist, requirements include “the supernatural force – the presence of God – and then suggest that the man picked to do this kind of work be wise and that he should know how to gather strength not just from within himself but from God.” The Roman Catholic’s new Exorcism RiteThe Roman Catholic’s new Exorcism Rite, which was updated in 1999 for the first time since 1614, stresses the importance of distinguishing who is really in need of an exorcism.

Father Savoldi said: “Those studying to become exorcists should also study psychology and know how to distinguish between a mental illness and a possession. And, finally, they need to be very patient.” He said the priest who undertakes the office should be himself a holy man, of a blameless life, intelligent, courageous, humble. He should avoid in the course of the rite anything resembling superstition and he should leave the medical aspects of the case to qualified physicians.

If that doesn’t turn your head, then you may enjoy Mark Kermode’s fascinating BBC documentary, Fear of God: The Making of ‘The Exorcist’, which examines the story of classic 1973 horror movie, with cast and crew, and discusses the true events inspired William Peter Blatty’s original novel.

Previously on DM

Exorcists gather in Poland

The rest of Mark Kermode’s documentary on the making of ‘The Exorcist’ after the jump…

Posted by Paul Gallagher
06:23 pm
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