What happens when an elephant dies in the wild?
06:16 pm

Here’s a fascinating (and a little gruesome) look at what happens when a giant beast dies in wild… the circle of life. From Channel 4’s The Elephant: Life after Death.

Watch it in its entirety here.

Posted by Tara McGinley
06:16 pm
Revealed: Caravaggio’s Criminal Record
04:42 pm

He was the bad boy artist whose life inspired film-makers and writers to cast him as a sexual revolutionary or a proto-anarchist of the Renaissance, but the release of his police files suggest the genius painter Caravaggio was more of a gang member with a list of petty crimes and one murder to his name.

An exhibition of documents, at Rome’s State Archives, details Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio’s numerous run-ins with the police, all of which are described in “handwritten police logs, legal and court parchments,” the BBC reports:

The picture the documents paint is that of an irascible man who went about town carrying personal weapons - a sword and dagger, and even a pistol - without a written permit, boasting that he enjoyed the protection of the ecclesiastical authorities who commissioned some of his most famous works.

He had frequent brushes with the police, got into trouble for throwing a plate of cooked artichokes in the face of a waiter in a tavern, and made a hole in the ceiling of his rented studio, so that his huge paintings would fit inside. His landlady sued, so he and a friend pelted her window with stones.

All these events are documented with eyewitness accounts in this collection of yellowing parchments - difficult to decipher for the non-specialist, but rich in contemporary detail for a skilled archivist.

The documents provide a completely new account of his most serious brawl in May 1606 in which he killed a certain Ranuccio Tommassoni. This brawl - just like a modern-day clash between warring gangs - was arranged in advance by eight participants who have all now been named.

Caravaggio and his three companions, one a Captain in the Papal army, met their rivals at a pallacorda court in the Campo Marzio area, where the artist lived. (Pallacorda was a game played with a ball with a string attached - an early form of tennis, which some older Romans still remember seeing played in the streets of the capital in the mid-20th Century.)

Some biographers have suggested that there may have been an argument over a woman, but the text of the court report suggests the quarrel broke out over a gambling debt. Caravaggio killed Ranuccio and fled the city.

One of Caravaggio’s own supporters was seriously injured. Taken to prison, he was subsequently put on trial, and the new evidence emerges from the report of this trial.

Caravaggio himself fled south to Malta and to Sicily where he received important new art commissions. The death sentence from Pope Paul V - whose portrait he had just painted - was imposed in absentia for this offence.

About 17 o’clock [lunchtime] the accused, together with two other people, was eating in the Moor’s restaurant at La Maddalena, where I work as a waiter. I brought them eight cooked artichokes, four cooked in butter and four fried in oil. The accused asked me which were cooked in butter and which fried in oil, and I told him to smell them, which would easily enable him to tell the difference.

He got angry and without saying anything more, grabbed an earthenware dish and hit me on the cheek at the level of my moustache, injuring me slightly… and then he got up and grabbed his friend’s sword which was lying on the table, intending perhaps to strike me with it, but I got up and came here to the police station to make a formal complaint…

The documents also shed light upon Caravaggio’s death at Porto Erole, north of Rome in July 1610. He did not die alone on a beach after escaping from his creditors and the police, as some of his biographers say, but in a hospital bed.

Only 38 years old, he was on his way back to the city from the south in the belief that his powerful friends had secured a pardon for his offences.

The documents that record Caravaggio’s life in Rome are written in a mixture of Latin legal jargon and racy Italian vernacular that any modern Roman could easily understand.

They needed careful restoration, as parts of the parchment were breaking up - the acid in the ink literally devouring the pages.

Detail of case against Michelangelo De Caravaggio charged with illegal possession of a sword and a dagger.
In 2006, Simon Schama’s Power of Art examined Caravaggio‘s life and work through his painting David with the Head of Goliath, as it explained how:

The power of the greatest art is the power to shake us into revelation and rip us from our default mode of seeing. After an encounter with that force, we don’t look at a face, a colour, a sky, a body, in quite the same way again. We get fitted with new sight: in-sight. Visions of beauty or a rush of intense pleasure are part of that process, but so too may be shock, pain, desire, pity, even revulsion. That kind of art seems to have rewired our senses. We apprehend the world differently.

Historian Schama wrote of the great painter:

“In Caravaggio’s time it was believed that artists were given their talent by God to bring beauty to the world and to put mortal creatures in touch with their higher selves or souls. Caravaggio never did anything the way it was supposed to be done.

In this painting of the victory of virtue over evil it’s supposed to be David who is the centre of attention, but have you ever seen a less jubilant victory? On his sword is inscribed “Humilitus Occideit Superbium”, that is, humility conquers pride. This is the battle that has been fought out inside Caravaggio’s head between the two sides of the painter that are portrayed here.

For me the power of Caravaggio’s art is the power of truth, not least about ourselves. If we are ever to hope for redemption we have to begin with the recognition that in all of us the Goliath competes with the David.”



Posted by Paul Gallagher
04:42 pm
My Mea Culpa on Glenn Beck: Immanentize the Eschaton!

When you’re wrong, you’re wrong and it’s always best to face up to the facts and just admit it. Here goes: I was wrong, very wrong… I was OH SO WRONG about Glenn Beck in my post yesterday. I said that Beck was getting boring. Running out of steam. That his rants were getting repetitive.

In a word: HAH!

Oh, man, I really blew it, didn’t I? Turns out that there was merely a brief lull in the monkeyshines. Beck was just tuning up the orchestra before unleashing the grandest, most fucked-up (not to mention “supernatural”) conspiracy theory that he’s yet come up with in that fetid, rancid, over-heated little brain of his.

Last night’s broadcast, well, Glenn Beck made a fool of me.

Watch in disbelief as Beck uses information gleaned from a new crackpot Christian prophecy book called The Islamic Antichrist. Embraced by the batshit crazy WorldNet Daily crowd (natch), The Islamic Antichrist posits the theory that the Mahdi, the end-times Islamic redeemer/Messiah who Muslims believe will come to Earth to rid it of evildoers, the tyranny of kings and despots and, of course, the infidels, is in fact, the same fellow Christians call the Antichrist. (Their good guy = our bad guy. Makes sense so far, right? Except that the Koran says the Mahdi works WITH Jesus, keep that in mind and there is already a direct Muslim equivalent to the Antichrist known as Masih ad-Dajjal, “the deceiving Messiah,” although this character doesn’t actually appear in the Koran itself).

Within Islam, the Mahdi is often conflated or considered to be synonymous, with the 12th Imam (see Twelvers), who is prophesied to set up a worldwide Caliphate. The Islamic Antichrist, written by a guy calling himself “Joel Richardson” (apparently a pseudonym to protect him from seeing a fatwa put on his head—DO watch this video for more on this ass-clown) does appear to have some valid points (the Christian eschaton and the Islamic end-times stuff do have many parallels), but Beck being Beck, he takes what are in fact, “facts” about supernatural holy books from over a thousand years ago (interpreted by a fanatical modern day believer, of course) and then turns around and PARADES THESE “FACTS” ABOUT SUPERNATURAL PROPHECIES AS “CURRENT EVENTS ANALYSIS” ON WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A “NEWS” NETWORK and not the fucking 700 Club. It would really be stretching it to call a book like The Islamic Antichrist, “non-fiction,” if you take my point, so what value would a “fact” about fiction (or a religious holy book, both are the same to me) have? It’s an empty calorie for most people. For Glenn Beck, it’s a motif whistled by his good old prophetic buddy Joel that he can turn into a conspiracy theory symphony of small-minded (albeit brilliant) religious bigotry that is positively Wagnerian—by way of Jack Van Impe—in its scope.

Fuck me… he’s good! It was a new, fresh low for Fox News, but a triumph, a tour de force, for Glenn Beck, personally.

Incorporating Biblical (and now Koranic!) “prophecy” into a wild-eyed, bughouse crazy conspiracy theory is EXACTLY the trick Beck needed to really draw the faithful back into his drama and shore up his ratings in the middle of a big dip. My hat is off to him: Glenn Beck, you are a MAESTRO of weaving together paranoia, bigotry, misrepresentation of history and wacko religious beliefs, and although the sight of you turns my stomach, I will say this: You are a genius showman. A genius. Your schtick is fucked up, corrosive to American civic life (or what’s left of it because of people like you) and I hope you’ll be raptured soon (on camera, if you can swing it). Still, as a person raised in a family of West Virginia born-agains who all vote Republican (and don’t even know why), I now have a grudging respect for your immense talents.

You’re an artist. No, an artiste! But you are no political scientist, Glenn. On that count you’re not much better than a tinfoil hat-wearing Ham radio conspiracy theorist living alone in a trailer somewhere in the Nevada desert with a cache of automatic weapons, saving his pee-pee in mason jars, but boy oh boy are you a master at coming up with plot-lines that Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsay and Jack T. Chick would envy and turning it all into a personal fortune on prime time America tee-vee!  When it comes to taking crazy, fucked-up religulous bullshit and making it sound plausible for an audience of low IQ dolts who should be asked to take a test in critical thinking skills before they vote (or are issued a driver’s license), you are DA MAN!

The thing the kept going through my mind, though, as I watched this (other than wondering what Kirk Cameron thought of it all) is that Beck really seems to be setting himself up to become the next Salman Rushdie by explicitly welding Islamaphobia with Christian Eschatology in an insecure time. Who knows, maybe that would be appealing to his pathologies and his oft-admitted martyr complex?

Posted by Richard Metzger
03:24 pm
Sword fighting with shadows in live theatre
02:53 pm

Japanese film and stage actor Taichi Saotome battles some fierce shadows in this incredible live performance of “Dragon and Peony.” Gee, I wish the audience was a little more excited about seeing this. What a “meh” hand clap at the end. 

(via The High Definite)

Posted by Tara McGinley
02:53 pm
Cigarette Socks
12:42 pm

Supposedly, you can kick the habit in these things. I highly doubt it, tho…

These redonkulous smokin’ socks are by Ashi Dashi and they retail for $11.99.

(via Nerdcore)


Posted by Tara McGinley
12:42 pm
The new Radiohead LP (and video) is here !
11:39 am

And so it begins… The new Radiohead album has been leaked released a day early along with a video for the song Lotus Flower. I’m no hater, I love ‘em. Let’s all watch and listen together shall we?
The killer first track, Bloom:


Posted by Brad Laner
11:39 am
Tyler The Creator: ‘Bastard’ LP free download
09:51 am

Depending on how much you loved or hated Richard’s post about Odd Future live on Jimmy Kimmel, oops I mean Jimmy Fallon, you might be interested to know that the debut album by Tyler The Creator (kingpin of that crew) is available as a free download from the Odd Future blog**. Released at the very tail end of 2009 (presumably to foil end of year lists) rumor has it that Bastard has had over a million downloads at this point. This doesn’t seem so far fetched. It might explain why the hype is so strong for Tyler, and how Odd Future got on Jimmy Fallon in the first place. Tyler’s new single “Yonkers” (not bad but not his best work) is also gaining a lot of hype, not least due to the video, and his follow up to Bastard is set to drop in April.

Hip-hop hasn’t been pushing sonic boundaries in the last few years, for me anyway, but it’s great to see it pushing other envelopes. The album brings to mind memories of late 90s Rawkus records, acts like Cannibal Ox and Anti-Pop Consortium/Beans and even vaguely the detuned synth-styles of the RZA, updated here for the Garageband/soft-synth age. I really like some of his music, but what I like most about Tyler is his methods of getting himself out there, creating a buzz without having to resort to the usual mainstream channels. Of course, if his music was terrible it would be different, but as it is, he might become the most high profile emerging artist yet to give away his product for free.

** Looks like the original upload has expired. You can still find Bastard for download very easily though, at links like this one. The Odd Future blog is worth having a look at, for other releases and general wackiness.

Posted by Niall O'Conghaile
09:51 am
Huey Newton: Prelude to a Revolution
06:48 pm

Prelude to a Revolution features prison interviews with Huey P. Newton, co-founder and leader of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Newton was born 17 February 1942, in Monroe, Louisiana. The youngest of seven children, his family moved to Oakland, California in 1945, where they lived at various addresses in the Bay Area. Though poor, Newton later claimed he and is family never did without food or shelter. However, he did claim in his autobiography Revolutionary Suicide he was “made to feel ashamed of being black.”

“During those long years in Oakland public schools, I did not have one teacher who taught me anything relevant to my own life or experience. Not one instructor ever awoke in me a desire to learn more or to question or to explore the worlds of literature, science, and history. All they did was try to rob me of the sense of my own uniqueness and worth, and in the process nearly killed my urge to inquire.”

In October 1966, after involvement with various radical groups, Newton and his associate, Bobby Seale formed the Black Panthers, an “organization working for the right of self-defense for African-Americans in the United States.” The Panthers changed American politics, and famously drew up a “Ten Point Plan,” a manifesto which called for, among other things, “black community self-determination, full employment, decent housing for black people, an end to police brutality, and an immediate end to all wars of aggression.” They also brought in a series of social programs (community schools, free breakfasts, self-defense classes, armed citizens’ patrols) that offered an alternative to the capitalist system. At the time, it was said Newton “could take street-gang types and give them a social consciousness.”

In 1967, Newton was involved in an incident that led to the death of a police officer. Newton was shot in the stomach, and though no gun was found on his person, was charged with manslaughter. In 1968, he was tried, found guilty and sentenced to 2-15 years. In 1970, the California Appellate Court reversed the conviction and ordered a new trial. After two subsequent mistrials, the California Supreme Court dropped the case against Newton.

Huey Newton: Prelude to a Revolution was filmed while Newton was in prison, it is a powerful and thought-provoking film, and gives great insight into Newton’s ideas and hopes for the Black Panther movement:

“We view each other with a great love and a great understanding and we try to extend this to the general black population and also oppressed people all over the world. I think that we differ from some other groups simply because we understand the system better than most groups understand the system. With this realization we attempt to form a strong political base based in the community with the only strength that we have and thats the strength of a potentially destructive force If we don’t get freedom.”


Previously on DM

Huey Newton compels William F. Buckley to side with George Washington, 1973


Posted by Paul Gallagher
06:48 pm
Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All are going to get you
05:45 pm

I would be lying if I wrote that I was a Jimmy Fallon fan (I’m not) but he does have some pretty good musical guests on from time to time. Last night two members of LA-based teenage horrorcore rap collective Odd Future (AKA Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All or OFWGKTA) provided one of the most wonderfully anarchic musical moments in recent TV memory. Totally insane, totally inspired. Those of you lamenting the lack of good old fashion rebellion in the younger generation’s music should appreciate this inspired performance.  I’ve watched this three times already, grinning from ear to ear.

Witness “Sandwiches” performed by Tyler, The Creator and Hodgy Beats. I just love how these kid are so obviously gleeful to be getting away with singing shit like this on national television. Hilarious. And Mos Def is most definitely having a good time, too. Kick out the jams, motherfuckers, kick out the jams.

Via Elvin Estella AKA DJ Nobody

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:45 pm
Hundreds of tourist photos layered to create ghostly images
05:39 pm

Hauntingly-beautiful images of iconic landmarks created by layering similar photos from hundreds of tourist photographs found on the Internet. Each image contains up to 300 shots.

Switzerland-based artist Corinne Vionnet is the mastermind behind this ghostly project entitled “Photo Opportunities.”

See more of Corinne’s work after the jump…

Posted by Tara McGinley
05:39 pm
Reagan answers some questions about the Arms-for-Hostages scandal
04:40 pm

Some highlights from President Reagan’s March 19, 1987 press conference, at which he finally answered questions that had built up in the four months since the Iran-contra scandal broke:

“... I don’t know ... I don’t know ... I don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was ... I did not know at that time that there was any money involved. I only knew that ... All we’d learned ... Helen, I don’t know. I only know that ... All that I know ... Sam, all I know is that ... I can’t remember ... There are other people that don’t remember either ... I did not know that I had said it in such a way ... I didn’t realize that I had said that ... We didn’t know ... I didn’t know how far we could go ... I still do not have the answer ... It was a complete surprise to me ... We’re still waiting for that to be explained ... I don’t know ... I don’t know ...”

Excerpted from the “Reagan Centennial Edition” of my 1989 book The Clothes Have No Emperor, available here as an enhanced eBook.


Posted by Paul Slansky
04:40 pm
Delightful image of Glenn Beck’s dropped sponsors
01:10 pm

Over 300 hundred companies who refused to advertise on Glenn Beck’s show by Chris Piascik.

(via Certified Bullshit Technician)

Posted by Tara McGinley
01:10 pm
Chris Rock on Tea party racism
12:43 pm

In the March issue of Esquire magazine, Chris Rock is interviewed by Scott Raab and manages to put a hopeful spin on the Tea party movement:

“Like many nice Caucasians, I cried the night Barack Obama was elected,” said Raab. “It was one of the high points in American history. And all that’s happened since the election is just a sh—storm of hatred. You want to weigh in on that?”

“I actually like it, in the sense that—you got kids?” asked Rock. “Kids always act up the most before they go to sleep. And when I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because this is the last—this is the act up before the sleep. They’re going crazy. They’re insane. You want to get rid of them—and the next thing you know, they’re f—-ing knocked out. And that’s what’s going on in the country right now.”

A sage perspective, indeed.

Posted by Richard Metzger
12:43 pm
Glenn Beck commits the cardinal sin of television: He’s getting boring
11:52 am

There’s no way around it: Glenn Beck is just getting dull. Yesterday’s pulseless rant against Google is the lamest Glenn Beck clip I’ve yet seen. Fuckin’ Google??? How can he expect to reverse the nearly 50% loss of his audience with banal rants like this one? If Beck’s not incendiary, he’s nuthin’ and this is just limp. You can tell that he’s only reading off a script here. Even he doesn’t believe his own bullshit. The dots he’s supposedly connecting wouldn’t impress the dumbest people in his audience. And this whole George Soros thing? Give it up, dude, you’re getting no traction with it. Tides Foundation? Van Jones? Where is the rage, Glenn Beck? Have you lost your mojo, but good? It’s like someone nailed your shoe to the floor. Now you just walk around in circles, repeating the same nonsense each day.

Yup, dude needs a new schtick soon or he’s headed for the scrap heap. Who’d want to watch someone say the same shit day after day after day, like Beck does? Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert can’t get much mileage from Beck when he’s this dull. If even his detractors stop caring, where will Beck be a year or two from now? (Dancing With the Stars, perhaps? Raptured? Let’s hope!). Even an audience comprised of a bunch of dummies needs a little spice.

Glenn Beck’s act is feeling really long in the tooth. He’s petering out. Remember Joe Pyne and Morton Downey Jr.? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I think the trajectory of their careers is what fate has in store for Beck, too. He’s got a novelty act and novelty acts simply get tired after a few years.

Why doesn’t Fox News just go straight to the source and replace Beck with Alex Jones, I wonder?

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:52 am
Dangerous Minds in Dazed & Confused
10:26 am

Dazed Digital, the web arm of the Dazed & Confused publishing group in London have posted a short Q&A with me about Dangerous Minds. Dazed editor-in-chief, Rod Stanley, asked the questions. Read it here.

Dazed Digital: Come the apocalypse, where will you be hanging out and what will you be doing?

Richard Metzger: Tara and I will be with our dogs. We don’t have anything special planned.

(The image is a drawing that Michel Gondry made of me and Tara and the original photo. I’m totally baked as you can see from my eyes. I think Gondry must have known this from the way I am drawn, don’t you think? Tara is the blond, blue-eyed Cheech to my Chong…)

Posted by Richard Metzger
10:26 am
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