Occupy Art: Andrew Wyeth’s ‘Christina’ gets pepper-sprayed
11:22 pm

“Christina’s World” by Andrew Wyeth.

Fat slob (and orgasmically impotent?) Lieutenant John Pike strolls through realms beyond his imagination battling the human spirit with his little red can of pepper-spray and in a miracle of negative Internet transubstantiation is transformed over night from tough guy to Internet LOL meme. Karma’s a bitch.

Pike will have plenty of time to sharpen his aim and put on a few more pounds now that he’s on indefinite leave from the police force.

What makes these images so resonant is that they’re not far from the truth. On the surface they seem absurd but when compared to recent images of peaceful protesters being assaulted by psychopathic cops for absolutely no justifiable reason they take on several layers of meaning and suggest new strategies for change.

1. The violent cop is out of touch with his own humanity. His actions are random and driven by a disdain for what he finds incomprehensible or makes him uncomfortable. His uniform, helmet and mask are shields against sensuality and pleasure and symbolize dead energy. 
2. Fascism strikes out at what it doesn’t understand and what it can’t control.
3. When confronted with peaceful, sensual and free human beings, the police mentality recoils, clenches and lashes out in a perverse display of fear and loathing.
4. Art, sex and beautify are the enemy of repression.
5. A freshly fucked cop brought to orgasm has the potential to become fully human and a potential revolutionary. Hiding within each cop is a terrified child that wants to emerge from their shell and break through their fear of flesh and intimacy. If you’re unwilling to fuck a cop, take him/her to a museum, a rock concert or a massage therapist. If the cop resists, show him/her your sexual organs. A blood-engorged penis, proud erect nipples and a winking blinking brownie cake have been known to throw cops off their game.
6. “Only the liberation of the natural capacity for love in human beings can master their sadistic destructiveness.”
― Wilhelm Reich   
“Picnic In The Park” by Édouard Manet
“A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” by Georges Seurat.
Thanks to Mark Yarm


Posted by Marc Campbell
11:22 pm