Hey Baby: the creep-killing game for women
04:05 pm

“It’s payback time, boys.”  So says the site for Hey Baby, a first-person woman shooter released by, LadyKillas, Inc. (!), that lets ladies (or men, too, I suppose) extract a fair amount of vengeance in response to the leering eyes and catcalls (everything from “I like your bounce” to “I wanna rape you, bitch”) of various creeps and cretins.

Broadsheet’s Tracy Clark-Flory, picked up Hey Baby‘s weapon of choice, a locked and loaded, .80 caliber machine gun (hey, you can, too, right here).  Here’s what she thought of the experience:

Clearly, the game isn’t afraid to stir up some controversy.  We’re used to heroines with big boobs and naughty little getups, but here we’re placed in the shoes of a virtual protagonist whom we never actually see.  Instead of a far-fetched scenario, we’re placed in an infuriating and frightening everyday reality for many women.  Show me a woman who doesn’t have at least one story of being aggressively pursued—verbally or otherwise—by a stranger on the street.

The rage behind the game might be a little too real for some tastes, but there’s no question many women will find it thrilling, maybe even therapeutic.  Personally, I can’t say I’m particularly fond of the “all men as potential attackers” mentality that the game engenders, even if it does make for interesting commentary about the ways street harassment warps women’s views of men.  Ultimately, though, considering the existence of first-person sexual assault games like RapeLay, it’s about damn time someone introduced a street harasser shoot’em-up game.

Posted by Bradley Novicoff
04:05 pm