Handwritten Wes Anderson thank you note is charming and irritating in equal measure
03:05 pm

Wes Anderson letter
In addition to being one of the key minds who brought you Taxi, The Simpsons, and The Mary Tyler Moore Show and assisting Jack Nicholson win a couple of Oscars, the legendary TV and movie writer/director James L. Brooks can add to his lengthy list of accomplishments more or less singlehandedly giving Wes Anderson a movie career. According to Pamela Colloff’s May 1998 account in Texas Monthly, “Brooks ... loved Bottle Rocket and, in a generous leap of faith, offered the roommates a deal: He would not only give them $5 million to turn it into a feature but also give them access to a cinematographer, editors, a crew—all the tools they needed for bringing their ideas to the big screen.” You have to hand it to Brooks—he does have an eye for talent.

Brooks generously provided an introduction to the published version of Wes Anderson’s 1998 indie masterpiece Rushmore, written by Anderson and Owen Wilson. Anderson graciously wrote Brooks a handwritten thank-you note, and if you didn’t know who had written it, you would immediately suspect that it might be the director of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Composed entirely in carefully written and self-consciously childlike block letters and featuring a great many copyediting emendations, it somehow manages to be charming and irritating all at the same time.

Below is the text of the letter once the imaginary “associate editor” has incorporated all of Anderson’s proofing corrections.


Dear Jim,

Thank you very, very much for going to all the trouble on that terrific screenplay introduction number. I personally guarantee that it’s going to be one of the best intros they’ve every published at Faber & Faber; and from me, that really means something (because I’ve read all those movie books). Also, I want you to know how pleased I was by your reaction to my Pauline Kael piece. It was great to hear such good feedback, and I took your advice and sent it to the N.Y. Times, and they’re running it in the Sunday Arts & Leisure in a couple of weeks. (or maybe it’s next Sunday.) Thanks again for writing such a nice piece for us. I’m really very proud of Owen’s & my whole experience with you, and I’m very happy & grateful we’ve had and have your help & friendship.

Love, Wes.

If you haven’t seen Saturday Night Live‘s recent trailer for a horror movie as directed by Anderson, complete with spot-on Owen Wilson impression by Edward Norton, you really ought to:

via Cinephilia and Beyond

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
Wes Anderson’s first film, the original B&W ‘Bottle Rocket’ short from 1992
If Wes Anderson directed Spider-Man…

Posted by Martin Schneider
03:05 pm