Kid punks his high school yearbook by pretending to be his own twin
12:22 pm

Meet twin brothers Jerry and Terry Bell. Okay, scratch that. Meet Terry Bell who pretended to be his own twin on “picture day” for mere shits and giggles and just to see if he could get away with it. Obviously, he did! When the yearbook was published you could clearly see the photo evidence of the awesomeness of “Jerry” and Terry Bell.

According to redditor and OP Dr_Martin_V_Nostrand, who knew the backstory behind this prank: “He took a second photo on the secondary day for yearbook photos. Wore different clothes, wrote Jerry instead of Terry. They don’t cross check the photo names with the enrollment records at my school apparently.”

Happy Place has this to say about the prank:

Some commenters, disbelieving that there is only one Bell, noted that Terry’s hair is different than Jerry’s and that Terry appears to be heavier than his cooler twin. Dr. Martin explained, “He took the second picture on make-up picture day, which was a few weeks after the first one. He’s a bigger guy, so I think it is his posture and maybe some different lighting that makes him look so different in the two.”

Dr_Martin_V_Nostrand also added that while “picture day” and publishing the yearbook were taking place, the school was dealing with more important matters, like “the rampant crime in the immediate area.” So the school had its priorities and “Jerry” and Terry Bell were not one of them.

Hats off to “Jerry” and Terry!

Via Death and Taxes and reddit

Posted by Tara McGinley
12:22 pm