Here it is, your intentionally shitty ska version of Neutral Milk Hotel’s greatest album
08:08 am

Look, maybe it’s your heart’s desire to hear a polka version of My Bloody Valentine’s Loveless or a hip-hop reworking of Pavement’s Slanted & Enchanted or a dubstep reimagining of Beck’s Odelay. I’m sorry but I just can’t help you with any of that shit, you’re just going to have to keep looking.

If you have a yen for an all-ska cover version of Neutral Milk Hotel’s much-worshiped 1998 album In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, now just hang on a second, because I think I can be of service.

God knows who is responsible for this but recently an outfit calling themselves Skanktral Ska Hotel surfaced on Bandcamp with 9 tracks from an “album” they are calling In the Aeroskank Over the Checkered Pattern.

In this twisted “ska-niverse” (coinage mine), “Two-Headed Boy” becomes “Rude Headed Boy,” “Communist Daughter” becomes “Skammunist Rudegirl,” and “Holland, 1945” becomes “Skallond, 1996.”
The cuts are pretty god-awful but they are definitely ska and frankly you’d have to have a rod jammed way up your butt not to derive amusement from the whole skabang. The NMH album has 11 tracks, not 9, so you can rest assured that the half-assery is not limited to the musical contributions.

And if you were looking to score one of the 40 “home-dubbed, “two-tone” white/black skassettes,” you’re shit outta luck! They’ve sold out and they’re not making more.

(I blame Jon Glaser for all of this.)

Track listing:
King of Skarrot Flowers Pts. 1, 2, 3, Pick it Up Pick it Up
In the Aeroskank Over the Checkered Pattern
Rude Headed Boy
Skallond, 1996
Skammunist Rudegirl
Oh Dubly (Use Headhpones For Maximum Effect)
Ghost of Rudie
Rude Headed Boy, Pt. 2

Whatever Jeff Mangum’s assorted sins and misdemeanors may be, he now has to answer for this, too.

via Noisey

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
The Pizza Underground: Macaulay Culkin’s pizza-themed Velvet Underground cover band

Posted by Martin Schneider
08:08 am