Both Newt and Mitt secretly half Black???



Meet the Hon. James David Manning, PhD, a minister and Internet podcaster from New York City who HATES President Barack “Hussein” Obama. I mean really hates him. Manning has called Obama a pimp, a “homo” crackhead and Hitler.

His favorite thing to call the President, however, is “the long-legged Mack Daddy.” Manning also hates Michelle Obama, has called her ugly, a slut and has even suggested she visit the same plastic surgeon as Michael Jackson. Manning’s Trinity of Hell is comprised of Obama, Oprah Winfrey and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. It should probably come as no surprise that he’s been a guest on Sean Hannity’s Fox News and radio shows.

Manning is proud to call himself an extreme right winger and is beloved of birthers, survivalists, Obama haters, the NRA and other assorted wingnuts. On his five days a week, three hours per day talk show, which he co-produces with his wife, he does bizarre and extremely unfunny “mock interviews” with Fidel Castro, prays fervently for Bristol Palin and he even had “author” Lawrence W Sinclair (“Brother Lawrence” as Manning calls him) of Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? infamy on as a guest.

Manning is nuttier than the proverbial fruitcake and there is no low he’s not tempted to reach for. Irresponsible, not-in-any-way grounded in reality speculation abounds on his podcasts. His ignorance is astonishing. Sound like anyone familiar? To my mind, Manning is the black Glenn Beck! Even more to the point, he’s like some weird, bizarro world hybrid of Beck and Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks! I mean, wow, this guy shocked even me. I also laughed until I cried. Manning is so ridiculous that they need some new words to describe him, the old standbys just won’t do any more.

Here’s his latest crackpot conspiracy theory about Newton Leroy Gingrich and Willard Mitt Romney both being biracial, featuring a Jimmy Castor Bunch sample from “Troglodyte”... His proof is interesting, to say the least!

After the jump, Manning explains why the white folk are getting ready to riot…

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:55 am