Boho-Chic: Vogue magazine tells you how to dress like a 70s hippie cult member!
12:51 pm

If this doesn’t make you want to drink the, er, purple Kool-Aid, I don’t know what would…

Owing to the renewed interest in hippies and communal living brought on by the fascinating new documentary, The Source Family, Vogue magazine is trying to get in on the action in the only way, apparently, that they know how to, by explaining to their readers how to get that—get this—awesome “70s Boho-Cult Chic Look”!!!

I mean, hey, don’t get me wrong, the women of The Source family were most certainly hippie hotties for sure, but what the hell does “70s Boho-Cult Chic Look” really mean when you think about it and why would any young woman aspire to “boho-cult chic”? What’s next, a Vogue article about those wicked cool, crisp white naval uniforms the members of Scientology’s elite “Sea Org” inner circle wear?

The gorgeous devotees, besotted with the messianic [cult leader Father Yod] (a successful restaurateur as well as, purportedly, a former murderer and bank robber) were not just serious about meditation—they were also greatly concerned with fashion, at least by the evidence of the film’s archival footage. In fact, style was a major player for both men and women in the family: In the film, one member reminisces that as Yod delved deeper into the philosophies of ancient civilizations, cult members would dress the part—sometimes as Native Americans, sometimes as Templars.

The most prevalent costumes—those long, floaty, almost bridal dresses and robes—were apparently meant to evoke the mythical (and in this viewer’s opinion at least, completely fictional), lost civilization of Atlantis. At one point, everyone troops down to City Hall to change his or her surname to Aquarian (some also elect the middle name The, leading to monikers like Magus the Aquarian).

But you don’t have to alter your name, practice Kundalini yoga at dawn, stare into the sun until you fry your eyeballs, or record psychedelic albums in your garage to appreciate the languor of a summery ankle-grazing frock, the subtle allure of a golden necklace, or the starry glory of a spectral tiara.

There is a click-thru photo gallery provided of ways that you can achieve that authentic “70s Boho-Cult Chic Look” yourself with $2000 Pucci shawls, Yves St. Laurent summer dresses that will set you back about four grand and a braided headband that’s a fucking bargain (comparatively speaking) at $1200.

Below, the trailer for ‘The Source Family’ documentary. You can catch it currently in theaters or on VOD on YouTube

Posted by Richard Metzger
12:51 pm