Animator of twisted Lewis Carroll reboot ‘Malice in Wonderland’ has done a bizarre ‘Wizard of Oz’

Experimental animator Vince Collins is best known for his his psychedelic nightmare Malice in Wonderland, a 1982 reboot of Alice in Wonderland that manages to completely warp its source material in four fascinating, horrifying minutes. Collins actually acknowledged in a VICE interview that the short was intended as a pornographic send-off to the psychedelic era (for example, at one point, our grotesque nod to “Alice” recedes into her own vagina, which earned him serious backlash from a few feminists). Luckily for us, Collins continues to make us uncomfortable with depraved renditions of children’s cultural touchstones!

In 2013 Collins made “Lizard of Oz,” a 3D re-imagining of Dorothy and her friends’ journey down the Yellow Brick Road. The violent, techy aesthetic equips Dorothy with an automatic weapon and the Wicked Witch of the West with a high tech drone operation—the whole thing looks cool as hell. The cartoon was apparently so controversial that it was quickly been banned by YouTube, although it was soon restored with an age warning. So enjoy, but beware—this is not Judy Garland!

Via Network Awesome

Posted by Amber Frost
09:50 am
Man sings ‘If I Only Had a Brain’ during an MRI
03:54 pm

As everyone knows you have stay damned still during an MRI. Like, you can’t move at all! But the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois has developed “a new technique that is 10-times faster than standard MRI scanners to illustrate how the hundreds of muscles in our neck, jaw, tongue, and lips work together to produce sound.”

The results are pretty crazy-looking as you can see in the video, below.

“The technique excels at high spatial and temporal resolution of speech—it’s both very detailed and very fast,” Sutton said. “Often you can have only one of these in MR imaging. We have designed a specialized acquisition method that gathers the necessary data for both space and time in two parts and then combines them to achieve high-quality, high-spatial resolution, and high-speed imaging.” To capture the audio, the team used a noise-cancelling fiber-optic microphone and synced it with the imaging later.


With a recent K23 Career Development Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Johnson is investigating whether group singing training with older adults in residential retirement communities will improve the structure of the larynx, giving the adults stronger, more powerful voices. This research relies on pre- and post-data of laryngeal movement collected with the MRI technique.

The researchers published their technique in the journal Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

Sources: Beckman Institute, Mental Floss 

Posted by Tara McGinley
03:54 pm
Man locks wife in shed for singing ‘Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead’ when his mother died
12:19 pm

Andrew Salmon, from Cornwall, apparently locked his wife in a garden shed after she kept repeatedly singing “Ding dong, the witch is dead” following death of his mother.

Questioned later, Salmon explained his actions by saying that his wife never liked his mother and was very unsympathetic when she died.

He told magistrates she kept saying “ding dong, the witch is dead”.

“I was provoked but I am sorry for what I have done to my wife and regret everything I did.” he said. “I was pushed towards it although I should not have done it.”

Lesson: Don’t mess with this man’s mama!

Via The Independent

Posted by Tara McGinley
12:19 pm
‘The Wiz’ set to Pink Floyd’s ‘Brain Damage’ and ‘Eclipse’

I’m sure most Dangerous Minds readers are familiar with how well The Wizard of Oz syncs up with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album. However, I dig Jeff Yorkes’ take even better. Yorke paired up The Wiz with Floyd’s “Brain Damage” and “Eclipse.” It’s a new spin. 

Below, Dark Side of the Moon synced with Wizard of Oz.

Posted by Tara McGinley
02:11 pm
The Tin Man gets in on illegal organ trafficking
11:56 am

New Threadless t-shirt called “Heartless” by Juan Carlos Bueno.

(via Laughing Squid)

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:56 am