New V Series: Apparently Lizard Men Are Kind of Cool
02:11 pm


I recently watched the pilot episode of the new V series just cause, you know, you gotta keep up on your mass brainwashing. It was stupendously bad. However, I did have to laugh that the reptilian alien visitors in the show come bearing promises of “change” and then offer humanity… wait for it… wait for it… UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. Sweet holy f*K, is that what it’s going to take to get the U.S. up to the baseline quality of life standard of the rest of the “first” world? Space lizards? Well, if so, I for one welcome our new overlords. (Wink wink)

Asylum points out the similarities to the Obama administration:

1. The aliens come to Earth using Obama-campaign watchwords hope and change, and offer the most literal form of universal health care. Aided by a complicit news media, they assuage rabid protesters through a sweet-talking figurehead. Skeptics try to warn everyone of the impending danger, but nobody listens.

2. Of course, the most striking comparison is that, while many Obama opponents are sure he’s concealing an alien birth certificate, the seemingly benevolent V’s are pretending to be just like us, but (spoiler alert) are hiding lizardy evidence that they just aren’t.

3. The whole thing could have been lifted from the minds of Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs.

For bonus points, check out this fundie blog going off about the show, and this video from C-SPAN of the White House reacting to the show.

Posted by Jason Louv
02:11 pm
Sign Health Care Petition; Win at Life
02:49 pm


Sign Obama’s petition to get your reps to back health care here, and win at life. And likely live a longer one.

Working state-run health care is the bare minimum for a functional, civilized 21st-century society. All you need to do is leave the U.S. for half a second to see how woefully, miserably behind the rest of the world we are, and just on bare minimum quality of life issues.

Also, all you have to do is take a quick trip to, say, Canada, to realize that state-supported health care, in general, produces people who are Fucking Hot. It’s not even funny.

Sign it, and strike a blow against ignorant Republican motherfuckers who want you to die young and live in misery while being dependent on corporations who don’t give two fucks about you or your life, and who also don’t want you to get laid by hot people! Help bring America up to speed with reality instead of regressive corporate troglodytism! Help your fellow wo/man!

Tell Your Members of Congress to Support President Obama’s Plan for Health Reform

(If you get why the above picture is funny, you really are going to hell.)

Posted by Jason Louv
02:49 pm
Sick for Profit: Getting Rich by Denying Americans Care
08:37 pm

Sick for Profit is a new campaign from Robert Greenwald and the gang at Brave New Films:

What does UnitedHealthcare CEO Stephen Hemsley have to lose if Congress passes real health care reform this year? Well, for starters, his nearly three quarters of a billion dollars in un-exercised stock options might lose a few pennies on the dollar.

What does Isabella, a four year-old girl in Wisconsin who is physically incapable of eating and has had to be tube fed her entire life, have to gain from healthcare reform? The treatment she needs to live a normal life.

Sick for Profit

Posted by Richard Metzger
08:37 pm