You show ‘that Obama’ yor true colors with a Christian American CHRIST-mas Tree!

Lately I’m more inclined than I’ve ever been—am I mellowing with age or have I just been worn down?—to feel zen about the fact that I live in a country where the stupidest people are on the ascent everywhere. It used to bother me, but now I’ve come to realize that there is not a damned thing I can do about it.

I just think it’s better for my health this way.

Full-scale replica of Noah’s Ark planned in Kentucky (USA Today)

Via Christian Nightmares/Jesus Needs New P.R.

Posted by Richard Metzger
06:46 pm
Rush Limbaugh, watch your back: Cute kid with speech impediment, racist talk show wants your job

Extraordinary: A cute kid with a speech impediment has his own… racist talk show! That’s right, meet ten-year-old Andrew Pendegraft, host of “The Andrew Show,” a presentation of White Pride TV, who also produce a Ku Klux Klan TV show and a show for white teenage girls. I should probably mention that all of these shows are hosted by just one family. Yup, that’s right, Andrew’s mother, Rachel Pendergraft (who produces the shows) is the daughter of Thomas Robb, the Klan’s “national director” (the term “Grand Wizard” has been retired. Too many negative connotations, I suppose!). Father and daughter host the KKK show and Rachel’s daughter (Andrew’s sister) hosts the teen girl racist show. That’s three generations of cracker white trash talent on display here!

Is it wrong to laugh at this? Is it wrong to laugh at a child’s sincere efforts to hone his hosting skills in the hopes that he’ll one day be a marquee star on Fox News? Am I heartless for posting this here for your amusement? Is it even funny in the first place?!?! What the fuck??? I mean, this kid even has his own GREEN SCREEN… and, of course, ADULT PRODUCTION HELP. Christ is this fucked up… but still oddly funny.

But the sad thing is that these videos are going to follow this poor kid around for the rest of his life. His idiot mother might as well have just tattooed a swastika on his forehead for all the help she’s giving him starting out in life.

After the jump Andrew the racist kid asks “Has Justin Bieber ever kissed a black girl?”

Posted by Richard Metzger
08:11 pm
Sarah Palin ‘honors’ chosen people via Twitter
03:28 pm

@Jews have not replied yet.

Posted by Richard Metzger
03:28 pm
The ‘Green Dragon’ Christian Conspiracy Theory
02:13 pm

The most amazing thing was posted over at Right Wing Watch. It’s a condensed version of a trailer for a multipart video workshop called Resisting the Green Dragon, purportedly an expose of how the environmental movement is seeking to destroy Christianity and take control of the world. It features a cavalcade of rightwing Christian blowhards, such as flaming asshole Bryan Fischer and his bigoted lil’ pal from the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins.

What a silly, silly, super lame scam. This is lamer than those fucking Y2K Christian videos they used to advertise on late night cable TV. If you still need proof that American-style (Republican) Christianity is little more than an organized system of ignorance, then look no further!

Although I doubt that I, personally, could hack much more than three minutes of this, Resisting the Green Dragon looks like it has the potential to be a Reefer Madness for for this century.

Resisting the Green Dragon is therefore particularly timely because it not only refutes the scientific case for dangerous manmade warming and other “crises,” but also exposes how environmental organizations use sophisticated media campaigns and even seek increased global governance to promote their agenda among policy makers, religious leaders, and youth.

“One of the greatest threats to society and the church today is the multifaceted environmentalist movement,” says Cornwall Alliance founder and national spokesman Dr. E. Calvin Beisner. “There isn’t an aspect of life that it doesn’t seek to force into its own mold.”

Many well-known Christian leaders agree. Focus on the Family’s Tom Minnery joined Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s Richard Land, Concerned Women for America’s Wendy Wright, Home School Legal Defense Association’s Michael Farris, National Religious Broadcasters’ Frank Wright, WallBuilders’ David Barton, and radio talk-show host Janet Parshall in filming introductions and commentary for the 12-part DVD series, which started shipping last week.

They make radical environmentalism look quite sexy in comparison to themselves, don’t you find? Hopefully this will backfire on them, enticing good wholesome Christian teens over to… the green side!.

Beware The Green Dragon! (Right Wing Watch)

Posted by Richard Metzger
02:13 pm
‘Firstness’: Woman’s insanity sums up *exactly* what makes America great
02:05 pm


Lori Davenport of St. Petersburg, Florida is the first in the nation to camp outside a Best Buy for this year’s Black Friday sales. The retailer gave her an iPad for her dedication.

Watch this. This fuckin’ says it all. And it says it so much better than any commentator could. Kudos to whoever produced this segment for leaving out the voice over and just letting this batshit crazy lady talk about “firstness.”

This is POETRY (of a fashion). American poetry.

Posted by Richard Metzger
02:05 pm
Is Gretchen Carlson really as dumb as she seems?
12:12 pm

Does former Miss America and Fox News personality, Gretchen Carlson play dumb—deliberately—for the money? I have my suspicions. After all, it’s not exactly easy for a Stanford and Oxford-educated person—as Carlson is—to really get down on the level of Steve “The Dumbest Man on TV!” Doocey, one of her co-hosts on “Fox and Friends.” I mean Steve Doocey? That’s pretty fuckin’ stupid. (He’s the Jerry Hubbard of Fox News and that’s really saying something. He even makes Rick Sanchez seem… well, less stupid).

Then again, Rep. Michele Bachmann herself was one of Carlson’s nannies growing up. (It all makes a strange, sad sense now, doesn’t it?)

Here, Carlson talks to a young boy who has had a near death experience (NDE) under anesthesia, and his father. They’ve written a book called Heaven is For Real. The takeaway? God is a very big person and he can fit the whole world in his hands, Jesus has a dazzling smile and there are no old people in Heaven. Gretchen seems to like this quaint notion. It seems to give the 44-year-old former Miss America comfort that she’ll be all raptured up there in the clouds with Jesus and the rest of the Republicans at the peak of her physical beauty. (Note that the kid doesn’t seem to buy a single word of what he’s saying, even though his father does seem to believe it, or badly wants it to be true).

Is pretending to be stupid, when you’re (probably) not that stupid the least dignified thing someone can do, even for a big paycheck? Wearing an El Pollo Loco Chicken costume is at least an honest way to make a living. Porn seems less degrading in many respects…

Via Joe My God

Posted by Richard Metzger
12:12 pm
Rapture Ready: ‘20 Minutes To Go’
11:17 pm

Christian Nightmares writes:

‘20 Minutes To Go’: Possibly the most amazing, disturbing, and captivating video I’ve ever seen, about nuclear war, the end of the world, the Rapture, and life in Heaven. It’s a long video, but every second is worth watching!

The creative vision on offer here is bust-a-gust funny and distressing—yet joyful—at the same time. Notions of the afterlife are always pretty silly, if you ask me, but this one rivals Xanadu for schmaltz and poor costuming choices…

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:17 pm
Republican Rep dispels global warming once and for all!
05:55 pm

Illinois Rep. John Shimkus—candidate for chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee—is sure that climate change is no big whup. How does he know this? The Bible tells him so: God promises Noah he’ll never again destroy the earth and all living things. Whew! We’re all safe! Even us unbelievers!

Progress Illinois gives more reasons why Shimkus, of course a Republican, is probably not the best man for the job:

During a discussion at a hearing about the Environmental Protection Agency’s ruling that greenhouse gases threaten public health and the environment, Shimkus noted that carbon dioxide is a natural result of breathing and asked, “Does EPA propose we stop breathing?” (They do not.) At a dinner held by the Sangamon County Republicans in February, Shimkus suggested that the sight of farmers “ice-fishing on ponds in Southern Illinois” is the latest evidence that global warming is a “hoax.” Oh, and let’s not forget the time Shimkus expressed fear that curbing carbon emissions would “take away plant food.” (Scientists disagree.)

This idiot should be pointed at and laughed at. Instead we elect ignoramuses like this to Congress! We’re doomed!

Via Gawker

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:55 pm
Yesterday’s election results made me puke my guts out

When you’re watching the TV news in horror (say, like, when a bunch of rightwing lunatics and Facebook friends of Sarah Palin are being freely elected to statewide and national offices by other people you gotta share the same land mass with) it can become almost apocalyptic when you’re suffering from food poisoning (as I was last night).

Or was it food poisoning? Maybe it was just seeing the leathery face of (presumed) new House GOP leader, John Boehner crying his crocodile tears, that turned my stomach so. Maybe it was seeing an asshat like Rand Paul getting the nod or the fact that hooker-hiring diaper-wearing shitfun meister, David Vitter got reelected (or the tragic loss of progressive hero Russ Feingold). Whatever the reasons, I puked my fucking guts out last night. I felt damned sorry for myself and even sorrier for my country.

On the bright side: No Sharron Angle, no Christine O’Donnell, no Carl Paladino (as if!) and no fucking Meg Whitman in my home state. (Full disclosure, I worked for Jerry Brown’s presidential campaign in 1991 in New York. I didn’t work for his gubernatorial campaign, but I did enthusiastically a vote for him yesterday).

This morning, I read that 47% of senior citizens voted for Tea party Republicans. Anyone looking at that figure can easily surmise that there was a very big enthusiasm gap at play this year. Old people and evangelicals ALWAYS vote for the GOP (they don’t seem to really know why, but they do). Had the Democrats been able to fire up younger voters—which they obviously were not—this wouldn’t have happened (certainly not in the same measure). But what reasons did young people have to go to the polls yesterday aside from voting against the GOP/Teabaggers? Certainly not to vote for Democrats. What have the Democrats done for us lately, besides behave timidly like moderates Republicans? Don’t get me wrong, I voted a straight Democratic ticket, but aside from Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer, it was hardly if I was voting FOR anyone.

Memo to Obama and the Democrats: It wasn’t because you were too progressive that you lost. It was that you aren’t progressive enough (although I expect that message fell on deaf ears).

Later this month, when the House refuses to extend UI benefits for the folks that have already used up their 99 weeks, and the freshman class of Republicans ARE going to refuse to extend them, that much seems obvious, the class war implications of what happened yesterday are going to be startlingly obvious. The next two (or ten) years are going to be pretty interesting, as in the Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times.”

But if you didn’t vote yesterday, you have no right to complain.

Photo via Gawker. Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words, eh?

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:11 am
‘Hi, I’m a Tea-Partier’
01:37 pm

Brilliant! My favorite line: “Words have actual meanings.”

Thank you Syd Garon!

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:37 pm
Rand Paul was the best they could come up with?
08:47 pm

Seriously, Kentucky, what the fuck? Even for a Republican, he’s an idiot!

If I was Jack Conway, I’d approve this ad, too!

Posted by Richard Metzger
08:47 pm
Hate Machine: What does Sharron Angle’s candidacy say about the mental health of America?
05:42 pm

Republishing an entire article here from the Las Vegas Sun because it’s an eloquent discussion of how things got to where they are in Nevada, i.e. how a hateful harpie—a joke of a human being—like batshit Sharron Angle can be in a statistical dead heat with the Senate Majority Leader! Anyone who is reading this blog who lives in Nevada, PLEASE vote (and vote often!) to keep this woman from gumming up the work that needs to be done in Washington. She’s an unsophisticated, bigoted, MEAN AS HELL church lady who intends to inflict her twisted view of the world on the rest of us. That I’m not so worried about (I live in California, everyone would just laugh at her ideas, here) it’s the idea that someone like this, given a forum (such as the Senate, FOX News, et al) will probably be able to stir up enough shit to derail every progressive thing that would get proposed for the next six years. Sharron Angle is a moron, but she’s dumb enough to be dangerous. Her $14 million dollar campaign haul in the 3rd quarter proves it. Jon Ralston writes:

“Sharron Angle produced one of the most successful single quarters of fundraising in the nation’s history for a U.S. Senate campaign. This is a testament to the hatred of Harry Reid, the nation’s disapproval of President Obama, and the unprecedented grass-roots support for Sharron Angle. Harry Reid is losing this race, he knows it, and he is just going to get more desperate over the final three weeks.”

— Angle spokesman Jarrod Agen after reporting GOP Senate nominee had raised $14 million in the third quarter


What’s hate got to do with it?

Everything. Or just enough.

Even though it has been the leitmotif of the Nevada Senate race, even though it is the undercurrent that has electrified the GOP, even though it is the reason Republicans still have hope here after nominating a verbally flawed candidate, it was still jarring to see the word used in a news release.

I’ve read plenty of such missives over the years that have vicious language and stinging adjectives. Indeed, the Reid campaign has called Angle “crazy” and said she has “lost her mind.” But “hatred” is such an awful word — a word I forbid my daughter to use — and yet it sums up exactly why the Senate majority leader may lose to a woman who just last week talked of Sharia law existing in cities in Michigan and Texas.

It’s hatred that has brought this Senate race, with three days until voting begins, to a place where Angle can win. It is hatred that brought her that $14 million haul. And it is hatred that courses through the American electorate, bringing venomous and vitriolic assaults upon anyone who dares to suggest Obama-Reid-Pelosi is not a three-headed monster.

Angle has all but done what she promised to do when she advertised her campaign on conservative talk shows and Fox — “Harry Reid has said he will raise $25 million in this race. I need 1 million people to send $25.”

And you know what: She did it. Or essentially she did.

An incredible 161,358 people sent her checks of $200 or less. Her average donation is $90, Agen says.

This is real, unparalleled (except, perhaps, for Barack Obama in 2008) grass roots. And there is a wildfire blazing through the grass roots, with burning hatred for Reid animating Angle’s chances.

Of those small contributors, my guess is only a handful of the 161,358 people know much about Angle. They have no idea about her religious fervor, fail to separate her church (which apparently doesn’t like Mormons) from our state, or her multifarious positions on Social Security and Medicare, her sympathy for “Second Amendment remedies” or her latest incendiary comments about Dearborn, Mich., and nonexistent Frankford, Texas, implying “the Muslims are coming, the Muslims are coming.”

But they don’t need to know much about Sharron Angle. They know enough about Harry Reid — Obamacare, bailouts, stimulus, good old boy (emphasis on “old”) and part of a corrupt Congress that has bankrupted this country and led it down the inevitable path to socialism.

I think I got most of the message points. Set the kindling, pour on some gasoline, light the fire and poof: You have $14 million, half of it last month.

Almost every national reporter, as I have said before, wants to know why people “hate” Harry Reid. I always say the same thing: 40 years in politics, familiarity breeds contempt, terrible retail pol, bizarre statements, face of unpopular Democratic agenda. But there’s more to it, as I realized after the $14 million revelation. As a headline on New York magazine’s blog said: “Sharron Angle’s Cash Haul Says Something About America’s State of Mind.”

Team Reid has understood this mental state for a while, which is why it has adopted a scorched-earth policy of its own, determined that if their guy is all but in ashes they have to take the blowtorch to Angle. And have they ever, executing one of the most relentless, laserlike assaults in campaign history, turning Angle from the darling of the Tea Party on June 8 to the butt of national jokes as the election nears.

And so we go to the finish line, with the pair matching each other gaffe for gaffe — Reid answered a question recently about who he thought was the greatest living American by naming two dead senators, Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy.

But Reid’s serpentine rhetorical peregrinations seem addled; Angle’s seem dangerous. So do we want the dotty guy or the crazy woman?

Or, to use that word I don’t let my daughter say: Who do you hate least?

Via Little Green Footballs

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:42 pm
I got your Tea party right here!
07:30 pm
Posted by Richard Metzger
07:30 pm
‘How To prove Evolution is Fake’ (with peanut butter!)
10:31 pm

(Points and laughs)

Via Christian Nightmares

Posted by Richard Metzger
10:31 pm
Teabaggers ask yourselves: “Are we the baddies?”

imageAbove, Iott and pals indulging in some good clean Third Reich fun!
Rich Iott, the Tea party favored Republican candidate for Ohio’s 9th Congressional district, found himself in the unenvious position yesterday of having to defend himself against The Atlantic’s revelation that he—get this—donned a NAZI UNIFORM to play act in WWII recreations a few years back. Not to fear, Iott’s got a whole mess of rightwing blowhards blogging in his defense, because, as Charles Johnson writes at Little Green Footballs,  “this kind of thing really isn’t a problem for them.”

No, but it might be a problem for, I dunno, Jewish voters in his district and, let’s face it, anyone WITH HALF A BRAIN who MIGHT BE UNCOMFORTABLE voting for a politician whose judgement is so incredibly poor that he CHOSE to wear, and be photographed in, a Nazi uniform, for any reason whatsoever (professional actors aside).

It’s simply amazing to me how many skeletons (and now Nazi uniforms) are falling out of the Tea party candidate’s closets as we get closer to election day. To me, this idiot Iott and his NAZI UNIFORM are a STRIKING REMINDER OF WHAT WE ARE DEALING WITH IN THIS COUNTRY.

Tea baggers, I ask you: Do you see yourself in the below clip (taken from UK sketch comedy series That Mitchell and Webb Look)? And if so, which character do you most identify with?

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:43 pm
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