Andrew Breitbart starring in ‘A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words’
06:04 pm

At the FreedomWorks 9/12 rally at the National Mall, conservative blowhard Andrew Breitbart asked this question of the mainstream media, “How dare you call these God-loving Americans, racists?” He accused Theresa Brewer of using Photoshop to doctor photographs to make Tea party, uh, “patriots” look like racists and homophobes.

But why bother, as you can tell from the above photograph of Mr. Breitbart, left, speaking with one of his admirers.

Nicely done whoever got that stellar snapshot!

I have never been able to get my head around Andrew Breitbart. Clearly he’s not an idiot, and yet he seems so freakishly resistant to the stark reality that he was speaking to an audience comprised entirely of idiots. How the fuck does that work???


Via Media Matters

Posted by Richard Metzger
06:04 pm
Rocker chick preacher dreams of Oral Roberts and dancing elephants, then has freak out onstage
11:38 pm

Scam artist/TV evangelist Todd Bentley is baaack, in case you missed him, and he’s got a new, much younger wife!

Since tattooed Todd has been to Heaven several times and all, why can’t his new wife be a prophet too? Seen here, Jessa Bentley describes a prophetic wacky dream she had starring Oral Roberts, a golden lion and a dancing elephant. Watch in pain as she unconvincingly describes this foolishness to the low IQ mouth-breathers in attendance—she clearly doesn’t even buy her own bullshit—then makes an extremely poor, almost air-guitarish attempt at “speaking in tongues.” This is quite something to see. 

Something depwessing.

Todd Bentley, you have to hand it to him, has really found a niche for himself and his, uh, “ministry”: People stupider than he is!

Take a gander at his Wikipedia page. No really, take a look. Next read this. Then watch this:

Here’s the caption from YouTube. Fucking hilarious:

Todd Bentley discusses the connection between God’s Glory and a release of wealth and finances in the Scripture. It’s interesting to note that almost every time the Glory of God falls on the God’s people in the Bible, there is a simultaneous release of wealth and finance.

As one wag said: “The Devil might wear Prada, but he’s definitely driving a Bentley.”

Via Christian Nightmares

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:38 pm
Christian Teeth Whitening
03:07 pm
Posted by Richard Metzger
03:07 pm
The folks behind the ‘International Burn a Koran Day’ expose racism!
05:06 pm

“Are you angry that I would make a video such as this to expose racism for what it is?” so asks a man who has just exposed himself to himself. This must be the dumbest thing I’ve seen… all afternoon.

Mind-numbing, cognition destroying, soul-sapping video from Pastor Terry Jones & his Dove World Outreach Center congregation. Depressing to watch. I can’t even get a hard on to mock them, as much as they deserve it.

Jones and his “church” are the folks making plans for “International Burn a Koran Day” on September 11, so more of the same should come as no surprise.

Via Christian Nightmares

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:06 pm
American Idiots: New Left Media on the real story of the ‘Restoring Honor’ rally

I will admit to being somewhat crestfallen at the lack of loony-toons wingnuts on parade in all the reporting on the Glenn Beck event over the weekend. Somewhat crestfallen? Who am I kidding? I waited all week long to see a bunch of crazy, ignorant white people with low IQs spouting off on television about things they know nothing of and regurgitating, parrot-style, the predictable tropes and catchphrases that they’d been fed by Fox News, World Net Daily and Rush Limbaugh.

But there was so little of it. What a letdown! The reporting—and what transpired onstage with Beck, Palin, et al—was too bland to even hold my attention. I wanted to see foaming at the mouth nutcases, zany racist signs, people dressed as giant tea bags, in Confederate flag jumpsuits, etc, etc. Perhaps because signs were discouraged, the visuals were lacking, but it sure took all the fun out of the cable new coverage of the event.

But now Chase Whiteside and New Left Media have posted their take on the “Restoring Honor” event and well, it looks to me as if the job the major news channels did has been bested by the “indie” coverage of some students from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. It’s not like you couldn’t throw a rock the distance of, oh, about 12 inches without hitting an idiot, so how did the mainstream media miss these kooks and ignoramuses?

The story that’s not being examined—but should be—is is how fucking DUMB about a quarter of this country is. It’s not Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin or Ted Nugent or any of the rest of them, who are the story, they’re merely symptoms of the greater problem: 20-25% of the American population are abject idiots. That’s the story I want to see the media tackle.

Via The Daily What

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:47 pm
Hey 4chan, we need your help: Find this vile, puppy-drowning woman (and her cameraman)
09:18 pm

Last week, thanks to the efforts of the Internet’s “collective id”—otherwise known as the 4chan BBS—Mary Bale, the evil woman from Coventry, England who was caught on tape mistreating a cat, was brought to justice (or at least a public shaming she is unlikely to ever fully recover from in this lifetime).

Well boys… here’s another job for you: If you think the CC video footage that caused Bale’s epic feline fail was bad, this is ten times worse and it involves an accomplice! That’s right, this footage—which you should not watch if you are easily upset (or a normal human being) because it is THAT BAD—was not captured by a passive CC camera, but by a human being who not only DIDN’T STOP IT FROM HAPPENING, but who thought it would be funny to videotape it and post it on the Internet? Yuck.

Mary Bale currently is under police protection, but if this woman can be identified, she should be taken into police custody. How could someone do something like this to tiny, crying, helpless newborn puppies?!?! As I type this, there is a tiny 5-month-old puppy playing happily beside me who I am madly in love with. It’s hard to conceive of someone doing this kind of thing. This woman who can kill a bunch of puppies so cruelly should be shamed, do some jail time and spend the rest of her sad shitty life with this videotape following her dumb ass around anytime a prospective employer (or boyfriend) would like some more information about her and types her name into a Google search.

People of 4chan, you know what to do!

Via Doobybrain

Posted by Richard Metzger
09:18 pm
Let Freedumb ring!
03:50 pm

A man photographed at Glenn Beckstock. Via Little Green Footballs
And here’s another “patriot,” this one via Gawker.

Posted by Richard Metzger
03:50 pm
As seen on Craigslist: ‘Jersey Shore’ lookalikes wanted (who are Republican)
11:01 am

From an ad on Craigslist. I appreciate that these Republicans are at least self-aware enough to add that this is for Jersey Shore lookalikes who “wouldn’t mind coming to a Republican party.” No pay, but free booze. Something tells me that most people who fancy themselves a ringer for the Situation or Snookie, free booze is probably pay enough…

We are looking for people who look like cast members of the jersey shore and whom wouldn’t mind coming to a republican party. We want basically anyone who even remotely resembles a cast member of the Jersey Shore, or who would not mind dressing up like a cast member of the show to come to our party. We want everyone to fill at least one role. Snookie, Situation etc. Send a pic with your response and your phone number. If you decide to attend we will cover your drinks and etc for the party. It’s not a big party, just a little get together very casual. It’s for a college club. Send an email if you are willing to show up to our party posing as one of these people (Anyones welcome, even if it’s a long shot to the way you look). Just send your number so we can call and talk about arrangements. Anyone looking to have some fun should apply!

On the other hand, Democrats who look like the IQ-challenged Guido and Guidette cast-members, might want to consider showing up in Jersey Shore drag, drinking all their Republican booze and puking all over the place. It would be more in character, anyways, don’t cha think?

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:01 am
Anti-mosque poster boy: Every picture tells a story, don’t it?

This country is fucked up beyond repair. There’s an IQ stratification that’s as obvious at this juncture as oil and water not mixing. On one hand you have a bunch of know-nothing, pitifully stupid Republican morons who revere Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Fox News, meanness, mindless racism and IGNORANCE. On the other hand you have smart people, Democrats and nearly 100% of all non-whites. Am I missing ANYTHING?

I used to think that the jingoistic Tea bagger-types would eventually just burn themselves out and overstay their welcome, before dispersing again. I’ve revised that opinion, they aren’t going anywhere. How can a 21st century democracy function when the dumbest 20% of the nation’s electorate is cohering into such an easily manipulated voting bloc? Be afraid, very, very afraid. No good can come of this, none.

Look deep into this man’s eyes. What do you see there?

Via Charles Johnson at Little Greenfootballs. Photo by Paul Gentile

Posted by Richard Metzger
02:28 pm
Sharron Angle: The Mrs. Kravitz of the Republican Party?
03:38 pm

Just when you think that it’s not even possible that Sharron Angle, the Nevada nincompoop running on the Republican ticket against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, could say or do something even nuttier than she already has, a past incident from her “career” has come back to haunt her: In 1991, Angle, who says her Senate candidacy is divinely inspired (“a calling from God” as she put it!) was part of a group who successfully lobbied that a local high school football team in Tonopah, NV, not be able to have black football jerseys.

Why? Because the color black is “evil” of course! That’s right, it’s a thoroughly evil color!

From The Pahrump Valley Times:

Also opposing the black jerseys was another group including Angle, a member, if not its leader.

They argued against our charges wearing black on religious grounds.

I cannot quote scripture as they did to justify their point but the gist of their argument was that black as a color was thoroughly evil, invoking the supernatural and especially the devil may take from dictionary definitions and not from scripture .

Angle may or may not have thought this a political statement. But she became a high profile advocate of a specific religious position during her very first campaign.

Whichever argument prevailed, school administrators caved in and prohibited the Muckers from wearing the black apparel.

And here we see another side of the multi-faceted, one-woman lunatic fringe that is Sharron Angle: She’s a low IQ combination of Gladys Kravitz, the nosey, disapproving neighbor on Bewitched and a desert dumbass version of Abigail Williams, one of the accusers in the Salem Witch Trials!

And SHE is best the Republicans can do to run against the Democrat’s Senate Majority Leader??? A foaming at the mouth Christian Fundamentalist lunatic who wants to ban alcohol, abortion, leave the UN and do away with the EPA, the IRS, Social Security and Medicare? A mentally ill person? Why, YES, apparently she is!

Angle strove religiously against black jerseys (Pahrump Valley Times)

Posted by Richard Metzger
03:38 pm
Ted Nugent is a dickhead
08:45 pm

Shithead rocker and borderline (?) psychopath Ted Nugent is in the news again for making racist statements onstage in Dubuque, IA. No surprises here. None whatsoever:

Musician Ted Nugent made racially tinged remarks throughout his show Thursday night at the Mississippi Moon Bar in the Diamond Jo.

Within a few minutes of starting, Nugent commented on the race of his audience and the city of Dubuque.

“There’s a lot of white people in this crowd—I like that! (Dubuque) is a white town.”

Nugent also pointed out at least one audience member and questioned his race.

It’s a shameful statement about the low, low intellectual level of political discourse in this country that Fox News has this egomaniacal cracker on as a guest to spout his “opinions.” I wonder if Sarah Palin will tweet about the Nuge’s First Amendment rights being trampled?

Posted by Richard Metzger
08:45 pm
When Fascism comes to America…
09:19 pm

The latest in a series from Peter Bergman/Radio Free

Posted by Richard Metzger
09:19 pm
Fox News has the _____est viewers
12:37 pm

Stupidest? Meanest? Grumpiest? Racist? Jingoistic? Xenophobic? Most ignorant of history? Most likely to be married to a cousin?

Close, but the answer won’t come as a huge surprise: Oldest. From The Hollywood Reporter:

In a survey released by analyst Steve Sternberg, Fox News has the oldest audience among fully distributed cable networks. The network’s average viewer last season was 65 years old, according to Nielsen. Heck, it’s viewers are even older than viewers of Hallmark Channel, Military Channel and Golf Channel.

Perhaps the reason viewers tend to leave Fox News on all day racking up hours of big Nielsen numbers is they can’t actually change the channel?

Posted by Richard Metzger
12:37 pm
Kill ‘em all: Presenting the Tea party mobile
09:11 am

A man with a van and a plan….According to Wonkette, this photo was taken in the airport at Austin, Texas. The van was abandoned. How creepy. Wouldn’t you like to know what the person inbred who painted this looks like, just out of curiosity? I would. I’ll bet the cops in Austin would, too..


Posted by Richard Metzger
09:11 am
Christian asshole speaks in tongues against gay marriage
09:59 pm

Sorry for the lazy post, but the only thing I can think of to say about this guy and his sidekick is: What fucking assholes. In the video above, a “man of God” deludes himself that he’s fighting demonic forces (that would be teh gays) at a National Organization for Marriage (NOM) tour stop on 18 July, 2010. What an ugly, hateful display of ignorance and superstition! Jesus wouldn’t want anything to do with them.

Via the mighty Christian Nightmares blog

Posted by Richard Metzger
09:59 pm
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