PWSNT: Name ‘em and shame ‘em
05:20 pm

PWSNT posts examples of white people using the “N” word on Facebook. Check out the fool selling his blood for $ and bitching about the nurse as if she is the reason for his problems and the 18-year-old idiot, racist serviceman representing Americans abroad…
Thank you Chris Campion of Berlin, Germany!

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:20 pm
Rightwing Christian radio host: ‘Jesus would have let that house burn’
04:43 pm

Rightwing radio dolt, Bryan Fischer, the same idiotic asshat who said last month that the US should handle Muslims the way Germany handles neo-Nazis and who compares gay sex to terrorism, opened his big, dumb mouth again yesterday. Fischer declared on the American Family Association’s blog, after posiing the “What would Jesus Do?” question regarding the firefighters in Obion County, TN who let a family’s house burn to the ground, that JESUS WOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME THING!

Is Fischer saying that the central figure of Christianity is a cold-hearted sociopath like he is… or what??? I do not recall anything in the Gospels about Jesus liking privatization or being a Rush Limabugh-listening “dittohead,” but maybe I fell asleep that week in Sunday school…

I’m not even going to put a link to his blog because I don’t want to send a complete dickhead like Bryan Fischer a lick of traffic, but the comments were, as you might’ve guessed, kinda priceless:

10/6/2010 2:05:46 PM
You’re as dumb as a box of hair, we get that. But do you really think Jesus would have stood by rather than lend his help, especially considering there were innocent pets inside? Everything you write flies in the face of what Christ taught, so it would seem you are not in any way qualified to determine what is Christian and what is not.

10/6/2010 1:52:42 PM
The truly Christian act would’ve been to take two pieces of wood, one approximately 8 feet long with the other being slightly shorter, and attach the smaller piece perpendicular to the longer piece about 1/4 of the way from the top. Then plant it in the their lawn and use the conveniently located flames of their home to ignite the newly constructed “T” shaped device.

10/6/2010 1:45:42 PM
Whom Would Jesus Burn Out?

10/6/2010 1:41:09 PM
Yes, he failed to pay. Yes, that was foolish of him. That said, fire protection is such an important part of local government’s role that it’s unethical to offer the service on a pay-to-play basis. It runs against the very purpose of society - Christian or otherwise - for a municipal crew of trained professionals in possession of the resources to fight a fire to refuse to do so over a mere $75.

10/6/2010 1:40:10 PM
No. You are wrong. Period.

10/6/2010 1:35:21 PM
Who is my neighbor? I’m sure glad Jesus told a story about personal responsibility when asked that question.

10/6/2010 1:23:45 PM
Your argument assumes that, if one person chooses to behave irresponsibly and the mature, responsible, intelligent, compassionate people of the world help him, then, suddenly, those people will become stupid and think that it’s OK if we all make the same mistakes that the first guy did.

10/6/2010 1:05:18 PM
If secularist means caring for your neighbor as you would yourself, then sign me up.

10/6/2010 12:50:35 PM
Yeah, Jesus would have let the place burn. You’re a moron.

10/6/2010 12:48:49 PM
Mr. Fischer; I think you are Rightly Insane in trying to propose WWJD and quoting Mr. Cranick Have you interviewed both? BTW, this FD has made exceptions to this no-fee rule before.

10/6/2010 12:46:20 PM
Somehow, I get the feeling Jesus preached charity a lot more frequently than he preached “it’s your own fault, suck it up.” But no, I guess not. I must be thinking of Mohammad, or one of those other crazies. As a side note, I like the feminine/masculine comparisons going on in this piece. I bet you feel real manly right now, Broseph.

10/6/2010 12:36:51 PM
Bryan, I believe you are the one that has adopted a worldview that is in fact not Christian but rather is American. I wish you would simply admit you love America more than you love Jesus Christ and stop using the name of Jesus Christ to push your distorted view of Christianity. Read the Sermon on the Mount, read the parable of the Good Samaritan, read James 1:27. Your interpretation of the parable of the ten virgins is wrong at best and blasphemous at worst.

How much longer can people like Bryan Fischer, Sharron Angle, Jim Demint, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, Rand Paul, Joe Miller, and people who “think” like them share the same country with the rest of us??? My lovely and perceptive better half, Tara, has been saying for years that a distinctly uncivil war was coming, and I always laughed that off, but I’m not so sure anymore. What’s going on in our society today is ROTTEN and if you take certain things to their logical conclusions, it’s not very pretty. Not at all.

Posted by Richard Metzger
04:43 pm
New fresh low for Fox News: Did the Bible Predict the Global Economic Meltdown?


“For Christians who really kind of read the Scriptures, and believe in them and believe in these prophecies, this is really wonderful stuff. But for people outside the Christian church, what you’re talking is really crazy stuff.”


It would be really, really difficult to come up with the definitive dumbest Fox News segment ever—anything with Steve Doocey would have to be a frontrunner, no matter what the topic might be—but I would nominate the above clip to be, at the very least, amongst the lowest depths of anti-intellectual foolishness that Fox has ever sunk.

Want proof positive that Rupert Murdoch is laughing in your face as he banks billions? Then watch in horror as Christian pinhead Dr. David Jeremiah—who obviously did his research looking through Chick Tracts and Left Behind novels—discusses how the current state of the economy indicates we’re in the “Endtimes” as foretold in the (batshit crazy, epically nonsensical) “Book of Revelations.” and that Obama, natch, is the Antichrist. Line up the rubes, Rupe!

Now consider the notion, just for a moment, it’s too painful, of Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Mike Pence or ___________,  (fill in the blank for the next Republican theocrat shit-for-brains who’ll throw their hat into the 2012 Presidential race) with their finger on the nuclear button. Laugh all you want, these clowns are going to kill us all. But that’s okay because Jesus will come back and take all the believers and Fox News viewers and teabaggers to Heaven to be with the invisible father figure in in the sky.

A sampling of the YouTube comments:

“That man is insane. The last 15 seconds are chilling, this asshole wants the world to end and sees it as the “ultimate solution”. If this clown is right and his Jesus comes back, billions will suffer and die and he calls it a message of “hope and joy.”

“You people who constantly bash people like David Jeremiah will be on the other side of the Rapture wishing you’d listened to him. Your fate in is your own hands.”

“The solution to Armageddon: Tell them to believe in a magic and big men in the sky instead of taking real action and trying to avoid it. Christians are so hell-bent on seeing the world end.”

Take one loony, give him a suit and tie, give him a hair cut, airbrush his face and VOILA a respectable looking loony.  How could we have been fooled by this?”

“Wait. His example for the evils of ‘consolidation’ is the use of the word ‘czar’ to describe administration positions? A word, a nickname, that has been used for years by both Republican and Democratic presidents? THAT’S your consolidation that’s a harbinger of Armageddon? Not corporate consolidation. Not the increasing merging of corporate and political interests, like, I dunno, say… FOX NEWS? Well for fuck’s sake. Looking for the hand of Satan in the world, it’s this guy.”

This is fucked up. Watching this clip, I felt violence welling up inside me.

Via Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:14 am
Michigan homophobe Andrew Shirvell, the prequel: Been there, done that—back in 2005!
05:14 pm

Andrew Shirvell, the asshat Assistant Attorney General in Michigan who made headlines this week for his cyber-bullying of Chris Armstrong, a gay student body president at the University of Michigan, actually has a history of being outspoken about his anti-homosexual views. This man needs to be medicated.

Read all about it in this July 18, 2005 article titled “Gay pride sticker sparks controversy at pizzeria” from The Michigan Daily:

Members of a local student-oriented Catholic parish received an e-mail last week urging them to boycott the New York Pizza Depot on East William Street because of a gay pride rainbow sicker on its front door.

The sticker has upset some people, including Andrew Shirvell, an NYPD customer and member of St. Mary’s Student Parish, located down the street from NYPD.

Shirvell, a University alumnus and former president of Students for Life, said the sticker is offensive because it endorses homosexuality instead of simply tolerating it.

“I find the rainbow flag offensive because it is a symbol of the homosexual movement that, in my opinion, indicates a validation of the homosexual lifestyle, as opposed to a sign that indicates ‘openness’ to customers who are of the homosexual orientation,” he said.

Jaya Kalra, a co-chair for Stonewall Democrats, said that it was very surprising that a parishioner reacted so strongly to the sticker, especially because she knows that St. Mary’s has been supportive in the past.

Actually, it’s not all that surprising coming from Mr. Shirvell is it? Have you seen him? You hardly have to be Nostradomus to see where this one is headed… Cue the inevitable Funny or Die parody clip with Paul Reubens playing Shirvell!

Shirvell said he does not speak on behalf of the St. Mary’s church or parish, but that he does think it is necessary for them to know that this has occurred.

“I was solely acting in my capacity as a parishioner of St. Mary’s in communicating to my fellow parishioners what was going on, again, since many St. Mary’s parishioners frequent NYPD after weekend masses,” Shirvell said. “In my e-mail, I in no way indicated that I spoke on behalf of the parish or any of its ministries, including the Student Social Justice group.”

Timothy Wright, operations director and pastoral associate for St. Mary’s Student Parish, said St. Mary’s does not discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Catholics.

Wright said that Shirvell does not have any official status as a spokesman for the church and that Shirvell’s view on this matter is in opposition to the majority of the parish.

Wright added that of the people he had spoken to about Shirvell’s statements, he could not find many who agreed with him.

“Most of the people — at least of the people I’m at work with — more were outraged and indignant about (Shirvell’s) posture than (the sticker itself),” he said.

After watching Shirvell’s boss, Mike Cox, defend this creep on Anderson Cooper’s show last night, the thought that occurred to me is how Shirvell is undoubtedly harming his chances for gainful future employment. Clearly the guy would be a total liability for any professional law firm to take on. This excercise in hatred, intolerence and utterly pathetic childishness will follow this idiot for HIS ENTIRE CAREER. Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm wants him fired. Everytime someone will google this fool for the rest of his life, what is going to come up about him? Who would hire him after a single Google search? And he seems OBLIVIOUS to how stupid he looks. What a trainwreck this dude is.

Then again, maybe there is a niche market in Michigan for criminal defense lawyers for homophobes and cyber-bullies? He’s their advocate!

And in a related story, there were four suicides of gay teens this week...

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:14 pm
Michigan Assistant Attorney General stalks gay college president
04:43 pm

Andrew Shirvell, Michigan Assistant Attorney General, has got to be one of the single most ridiculous people living in America today and that is REALLY SAYING SOMETHING. The guy is a fucking clown. It’s unbelievable that he’s still in his position. You can read the backstory here.

You have to hand it to Anderson Cooper, he’s really sticking it to some people who deserve it this week. This fellow is the very definition of “dickhead.” Watch it for the comedy of it all and laugh until you cry.

Previously on Dangerous Minds: Anderson Cooper vs. Islamphobic Hillbilly Republican congressional candidate

Posted by Richard Metzger
04:43 pm
White America Has Lost Its Mind

Hey, you know something people? I’m not black, but there’s a whole lots a times. I wish I could say I’m not white”—Frank Zappa, “Trouble Every Day”

There is a well-written, fascinating—but fucking depressing—cover story (avec an awesome Drew Friedman cover illustration) by Steven Thrasher in the Village Voice today. Not much for me to add to this, I snarked myself into exhaustion yesterday, just read it and weep amongst yourselves:

About 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel.

It had been a pretty good run up to that point. The brains of white folks had been humming along cogently for near on 400 years on this continent, with little sign that any serious trouble was brewing. White people, after all, had managed to invent a spiffy new form of self-government so that all white men (and, eventually, women) could have a say in how white people were taxed and governed. White minds had also nearly universally occupied just about every branch of that government and, for more than two centuries, had kept sole possession of the leadership of its executive branch (whose parsonage, after all, is called the White House).

But when that streak was broken—and, for the first time, a non-white president accepted the oath of office—white America rapidly began to lose its grip.

As with other forms of dementia, the signs weren’t obvious at first. After the 2008 election, when former House majority leader Tom DeLay suggested that instead of a formal inauguration, Barack Obama should “have a nice little chicken dinner, and we’ll save the $125 million,” black folks didn’t miss the implication. References to chicken, particularly of the fried variety, have long served as a kind of code when white folks referred to black people and their gustatory preferences—and weren’t many of us already accustomed to older white politicians making such gaffes? But who among us sensed that it was a harbinger that an entire nation was plunging into madness?

Who didn’t chuckle, after all, the first time they heard that white people had doubts that Barack Obama had even been born in the United States and was therefore ineligible to be president? It sounded like one of those Internet stories in which some (usually white) writer does his best to prove something everyone knows to be true is actually the exact opposite. And you go along with it for a few paragraphs to see how long the writer can convince you that what you know is right is actually wrong.

Seemed like that, didn’t it? After all, what was the beef? Obama’s father was Kenyan, and the kid was born in Hawaii—which is barely a part of the United States to begin with (only a state in 1959!). His mother was white, and after the Kenyan guy left, she married an Indonesian guy, so little Barack lived in Jakarta for a while before coming back to Hawaii to be brought up largely by his white grandparents. . . . And that’s it? Come on, this was after-school-special material, the kind of thing that brings a tear to your eye because little half-Kenyan/half-white Barry made good, not the stuff of conspiracy novels.

But the more you shook your head at it, the more it seemed to have taken root deep in the lizard part of the white nervous system. Obama is not an American. He says he’s Christian, but he has a Muslim-sounding name. He’s not black, he’s not white. . . . Is . . . is he even human?

Today, Newsweek has found, nearly a quarter of Americans believe that Obama is a Muslim, with barely 42 percent of the nation accepting his claim that he’s a Christian. CNN finds that a quarter of Americans also believe that Obama was “probably or definitely” born in another country.

Harris found in an online poll that 14 percent of Americans believe in their hearts that President Barack Obama is the antichrist, with nearly a quarter of Republicans saying so.

Read more of White America Has Lost Its Mind (Village Voice)

Posted by Richard Metzger
03:04 pm
Spitting mad: Angry man rants about the New World Order and Muslims
03:11 pm

It took me a while before I could tell—even in a general sense—exactly what the fuck this angry, angry man was going on about and by the end I still wasn’t sure. One thing that’s for certain is he is really, really angry. Spitting mad, you might say. Bring an umbrella.
Thank you Redacted!

Posted by Richard Metzger
03:11 pm
Tea & Crackers: Matt Taibbi on the Tea party
02:21 pm

Once again, Matt Taibi shows why he is, beyond all doubt or argument to the contrary, the best writer in America today, as he describes, with surgical precision, his Tea-party “epiphany.” What more can I add to the perfect prose contained in the following six paragraphs?

It’s taken three trips to Kentucky, but I’m finally getting my Tea Party epiphany exactly where you’d expect: at a Sarah Palin rally. The red-hot mama of American exceptionalism has flown in to speak at something called the National Quartet Convention in Louisville, a gospel-music hoedown in a giant convention center filled with thousands of elderly white Southerners. Palin — who earlier this morning held a closed-door fundraiser for Rand Paul, the Tea Party champion running for the U.S. Senate — is railing against a GOP establishment that has just seen Tea Partiers oust entrenched Republican hacks in Delaware and New York. The dingbat revolution, it seems, is nigh.

“We’re shaking up the good ol’ boys,” Palin chortles, to the best applause her aging crowd can muster. She then issues an oft-repeated warning (her speeches are usually a tired succession of half-coherent one-liners dumped on ravenous audiences like chum to sharks) to Republican insiders who underestimated the power of the Tea Party Death Star. “Buck up,” she says, “or stay in the truck.”

Stay in what truck? I wonder. What the hell does that even mean?

Scanning the thousands of hopped-up faces in the crowd, I am immediately struck by two things. One is that there isn’t a single black person here. The other is the truly awesome quantity of medical hardware: Seemingly every third person in the place is sucking oxygen from a tank or propping their giant atrophied glutes on motorized wheelchair-scooters. As Palin launches into her Ronald Reagan impression — “Government’s not the solution! Government’s the problem!” — the person sitting next to me leans over and explains.

“The scooters are because of Medicare,” he whispers helpfully. “They have these commercials down here: ‘You won’t even have to pay for your scooter! Medicare will pay!’ Practically everyone in Kentucky has one.”

A hall full of elderly white people in Medicare-paid scooters, railing against government spending and imagining themselves revolutionaries as they cheer on the vice-presidential puppet hand-picked by the GOP establishment. If there exists a better snapshot of everything the Tea Party represents, I can’t imagine it.

Tea & Crackers: How corporate interests and Republican insiders built the Tea Party monster (Rolling Stone)

Posted by Richard Metzger
02:21 pm
The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids!
01:54 pm

Fuck me:

A wonderful book of The Tea Party for Kids! Teaches children (and parents) about the origins of the Tea Party and what it involves. A very pleasant song, coloring and activity book on Liberty, Faith, Freedom and so much more! Get involved, participate, self reliance, freedom of choice, work, government-of-for-by the people, Leadership, Ingenuity, Jobs and responsibilty!

The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids!


Posted by Richard Metzger
01:54 pm
Simpleton Rand Paul is a member of AIDS-denying conspiracy theory group
07:39 pm

According to the Louisville Courier-Journal. Republican extremist Rand Paul—who, natch, has had Sarah Palin fundraising for him—is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the same group who are supporting Nevada’s batshit crazy GOP Senate nominee, Sharron Angle, who seems to believe that abortion causes breast cancer and that Medicare is “immoral” and “evil” (but letting elderly people is what Christ would have wanted???)

Excerpted from “Rand Paul part of AAPS doctors’ group airing unusual views”:

Republican U.S. Senate nominee Rand Paul belongs to a conservative doctors’ group that, among other things, has expressed doubts about the connection between HIV and AIDS and suggested that President Barack Obama may have been elected because he was able to hypnotize voters.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, based in Tucson, Ariz., advocates conservative and free-market solutions on health care and a variety of other political issues.

But it also uses its medical journal and Website as forums for unorthodox medical views.

Maybe their blog is where Sharron Angle got her information for her comments about “autism” (I added the quotation marks, watch the video and see why. What galls me about this woman is how proud of herself she seems! She is PROUD of being ignorant. You can’t top that, she’s on a suicide mission!):

Group promoting Angle event: Medicare “evil” and “immoral,” Obama is a “covert hypnotist” and HIV may not cause AIDS (Las Vegas Sun)

Via Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs, who is doing some very important work

Posted by Richard Metzger
07:39 pm
He’s baaack! Randall Terry still a flaming asshole
04:28 pm

Did you miss him? Didn’t think so… Operation Rescue founder, Randall Terry demonstrates how to hold a racist, hateful press conference complete with anti-Koran shenanigans, so that people will pay attention to him again.

Via Right Wing Watch

Posted by Richard Metzger
04:28 pm
Left Behind: Christian videogame company reports record revenues
03:54 pm

Ten years ago, I’d have laughed at this. In 2010, it’s not so funny:

From a press release posted today on BusinessWire:

Left Behind Games CEO, Troy Lyndon says, “Retailers are showing more interest in LB Games, our Christian video game products. Over the past several weeks, we have been unveiling our proven, proprietary church-marketing system which is designed to increase sales for retailers who carry our products. Over the past two years, we’ve invested in the development of the Christian video game market by giving away more than 50,000 PC games to our network of Pastors who share our desire to provide healthier video game alternatives to their youth. Soon, our investors will no longer have to support a pioneering effort with vision alone, but also with progress evidenced by solid sales and income.”

Have you ever actually seen the Left Behind: Eternal Forces game? It is it some spectacularly bone-headed shit, described here on the All Things Considered blog in a post titled Grand Theft Auto: Book of Revelations:

This is a game that’s actually been out for a while. I read an early review on it when it was going gold (ready for mass production), and was filled with Christ-love. I was so taken aback by the message of tolerance delivered in this game, that I had to pause my viewing of The Passion of the Christ while breezing through some of the recent Promise Keeper literature which had been stuffed into my Jesus/Santa mailbox.

In the game, titled Left Behind: Eternal Forces, you are a person left behind on Earth after the Rapture has come and taken all the true believers to Heaven. If you don’t know what this means, then you’re a doomed sinner, so put your head between your legs and kiss your forked tail goodbye. 666 Satan hearts you.

The point of the game is to convert people into disciples in order to combat the Anti-Christ. Those who cannot be converted you must kill. The bad guys are rock stars and Arab-esque people.. [Emphasis added].

WTF, right? Take comfort in the fact that Left Behind: Eternal Forces is so lame, it’s unlikely to convert anyone to anything. Even your inbred hillbilly cousin Jimmy-Joe would think this game sucks and yet there are still people all across this great nation dumb enough to buy into this shit. They even sell it at Wal-Mart. Watch the game’s trailer, below.

Via Christian Nightmares

Posted by Richard Metzger
03:54 pm
Caught on tape: See the Holy Spirit in action!
08:34 pm

The Holy Spirit can really… fuck you up.

I love the gum-snapping blonde woman at the end. How much longer do you think their marriage is going to last with this new hobby of his?

Via Christian Nightmares

Posted by Richard Metzger
08:34 pm
Ministers say gays cause global warming
10:18 pm

Ministers in the South Pacific island of Fiji think they know the cause of climate change: homosexuals.

The revelation came at a conference at the University of the South Pacific considering the implications of Climate Change and Creativity.

Academics were apparently thrown off their consideration of “Arts in the Age of Global Warming” and “Ecology in Poetry / Poetry in Ecology” by reports of Church Ministers who maintained that climate change in Samoa are clearly attributable to to homosexuals.

The revelation prompted one attendee USP student, Shaiza Janif, to opine: “We need to educate our ministers and not turn this into an agenda.”

Details of exactly how the ministers think homosexuals are pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere, thereby trapping heat around the planet, driving up the average temperature and causing massive economic and environmental dislocation are scant.

Ya don’t say…

Via The Register

Posted by Richard Metzger
10:18 pm
Christine O’Donnell: Even stupider than you thought!

A post from Dan Amira on New York magazine’s blog about Delaware’s Republican Senatorial no-hoper, Christine O’Donnell, quotes from a transcript of a, uh, “debate” over evolution between the dotty, anti-masturbation church lady and an evolutionary biologist. The Tea party favorite, who has been accused of living off campaign donations by her former campaign manager, really tells him, doesn’t she?

CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: Well, creationism, in essence, is believing that the world began as the Bible in Genesis says, that God created the Earth in six days, six 24-hour periods. And there is just as much, if not more, evidence supporting that.

No evidnece at all, Christine. Those dinosaur fossils were put here by God just to fuck with people, right?

And here’s what she said about not lying to Nazis if they wanted to know where the Jews were hiding on a Politically Incorrect appearance in the late 90s:

CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: A lie, whether it be a lie or an exaggeration, is disrespect to whoever you’re exaggerating or lying to, because it’s not respecting reality.

BILL MAHER: Quite the opposite, it can be respect.

EDDIE IZZARD: What if someone comes to you in the middle of the Second World War and says, ‘do you have any Jewish people in your house?’ and you do have them. That would be a lie. That would be disrespectful to Hitler.

CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: I believe if I were in that situation, God would provide a way to do the right thing righteously. I believe that!

And for a little perspective, here’s Eddie Izzard, her fellow guest on Politically Incorrect, on Creationists, dinosaurs and Jesus:

O’Donnell So Fervently Pro-Truth That She Wouldn’t Lie To Nazis Asking If She Were Hiding Jews In Her Home (Think Progress)

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:22 pm
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